Kimberley Payne – The Inside Scoop
Today I have the privilege to interview one of my best friends, Kimberley Payne. Kimberley and I met on the grounds of the Bible Conference Centre in Guelph in 2004. I was attending my first Write! Canada Conference. Kimberley wanted people to join her fit breaks. I loved that idea. I joined and enjoyed learning to do quick exercises to help the stress of a conference. See how much fun we have!
Welcome Kimberley:
Tell me a little bit about your church background. How did you come to faith in Jesus?
I grew up in the Catholic Church, baptized as an infant, participated in the sacraments of communion and confession, and attended a Separate grade school and high school. I believed Jesus to be my Saviour. However, it wasn’t until the darkest time in my life in 2001 that I gave my heart to Jesus and decided to make Him my Lord as well. He is my best Friend, my Rock, my Salvation.
When did your interest in writing start? Can you look back and see God working through and with you in your desire to write. If so, explain your thoughts.
I kept a journal when I was young; not a diary, but usually wrote about my travels and family vacations. As a teenager, I wrote poetry–very dark, exploring my lonely and suicidal thoughts. I also wrote fiction for my girlfriend—stories about our dating adventures.
However, I never thought that I was creative. I compared myself to my brother, who is an artist, and found myself wanting. Writing came naturally for me so it didn’t feel “special”.
As an introvert, I believe God gave me the gift of writing to help me process my thoughts and express myself on paper better than I ever could verbally. Writing was my companion.
What is the best thing you have written? Describe it. Tell me why you think it is the best. (so far)
That’s a tough one. I like my devotionals as they share what I’ve learned from and about God. He works through everything (including dreams, snowmobiling, and raising children) to teach me about His nature and character. Devotionals come naturally for me; I’m just sharing what I’ve learned and so they are closest to my “voice”.
I also like my children’s books. Trees of the Book shares a biblical story through the eyes of a tree. Each of the 7 trees “talked” to me so quickly that the book practically wrote itself. The tough part was all the research involved.
I really like my fitness books too. I’ve taken a difficult subject with lots of confusing and conflicting information out there and written easy-to-follow, inspirational, educational programs. I’ve received lots of positive feedback telling me that they are encouraging.
How and when do you spend time with God? Do you have a favourite devotional? What version of Bible do you use the most?
I like to spend time with God on my prayer walks.
Walking combined with #prayer author Kimberley Payne’s favourite. @FitForFaith (tweet this)
I also pray on my bike rides. God surrounds me in the beauty of nature and it feels right to praise and worship Him.
I don’t have a favourite devotional although I’ve read many. I usually receive at least one new devotional for Christmas every year.
I use the New International Version (NIV) Bible most often. I like to read The Message for a more contemporary look at scripture. Although I know a lot of people who love the original King James Version, I’m not a big fan of reading it.
What is your favourite scripture or scriptures and why? What is your thinking about memorizing Scripture? Do you have any tips for our readers on ways to memorize that work the best for you?
Philippians 4:6-7New International Version (NIV)
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
I think it’s very important to memorize Scripture but must confess that I haven’t been diligent in doing so.
A tip I could offer would be to write the verse on a cue card, and then draw something beside each line as a trigger to remember the line.
As a writer, time is important; quiet is important. How do you find that quiet time to reflect and write?
I’m at a stage in my life where I can find quiet in the evenings when my husband is busy “playing” in the garage, and my children (now young adults) are working, doing homework, or watching television.
I also have decided to fast my computer and my television on Sundays. I “unplug” from electronics and “plug” into God.
What new project/s are you working on? Why do they seem important to you? Are you compelled to write or do you need to find inspiration? How do you deal with interruptions?
I’m happy to say that my to-do list of books I felt an urgency to write has been completed. I have other ideas percolating but nothing is a “must” at this point.
I’m now more focussed on marketing and sharing the materials I’ve created with the world. I write as I’m inspired but they are usually shorter pieces.
What is one important lesson that Jesus is teaching or has taught you that has changed your worldview, your outlook, and/or your relationships?
Stewardship comes to mind. I am a steward of my children, my body, my finances etc. God has given me these to take care of but ultimately they are His.
Kimberley Payne’s goal in life is to be a good steward. (tweet this)
I want to hear God tell me, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
What is one deep desire that you would like God to fulfill for you? What Scripture could you find that could help you accomplish that goal?
That my family love and serve the Lord. My daily prayer is for my husband, my children, my parents, my siblings, and my extended family to be saved.
“But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15
If you would like to end with a personal prayer that would be great too.
Dear Lord, I thank You for the giftings You have given each and every person. I pray that we would use these talents to glorify and honour You. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Kimberley Payne
Kimberley Payne is a motivational speaker and author who writes to encourage women in both fitness and faith. Her goal is to inspire women to glorify God with healthier lifestyles. Kimberley is happily married and lives with her husband in a village east of Toronto, Canada where she hikes and bikes.

Blessings, Kimberley! Thanks for sharing here, and Janis, thanks for this series! It’s encouraging to meet writers who are following God and their passion for words.
Thanks for featuring me and my books on your site, Jan. It’s been a pleasure!