Flowers of Blessing
by Mary Haskett
On impulse I decided to send some flowers to a dear friend today, a friend who has blessed me countless times with her love and support, a friend who has listened to my concerns and struggles through the years and blessed me with her genuine love and attentiveness. In turn I hope I’ve been a blessing to her too.
As I dialed the florists a great joy swept over me. I thought of Jesus profound statement, as quoted by Paul in Acts 20:35:
“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (NIV).
So much of Jesus’ teaching goes against our natural inclinations. But if we follow what He taught we are rewarded with a sense of assurance and well being. It’s not that one looks to see how we can give so we’ll be blessed, but rather it’s that prompting of the Holy Spirit that causes spontaneous giving. God’s love is stirred in us and we act upon it and in the acting are blessed.
A few weeks ago I visited an elderly couple from our church. The gentleman quoted Scripture with such clarity and joy, while his wife brought me tea in a china cup and saucer, and biscuits on a china plate. I said to them, “I came to bless you, but you have blessed me. Can I come back next week for more blessings?” We all laughed. How blessed we were.
Let’s pray that all those nudges from the Holy Spirit to do something for someone are acted upon in each one of us; a card, a visit to someone in the hospital or simply a phone call.
Dear Lord, in the hustle and bustle of our lives help us to be in tune with you and know when you want us to bless someone.
Mary Haskett
Mary is a writer and speaker. Since becoming a Christian she has served as Director of Women’s ministries, Singles Fellowship, counseling and prayer.
She is a member of The The Word Guild. and Inscribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship. Mary is the founder of Ready Writers, London
Her book Reverend Mother’s Daughter was a finalist in the 2008 Word Guild of Canada Awards and won an IPPY award in the states. Her second book Because We Prayed was released last year. She has had many articles published and has been a regular contributor to the community publication Christian Life in London. You can visit her on her website.