33 Dot Challenge: Go Forth
I love the creative challenge of 33 dots. I randomly place the dots on a page without looking. Then I draw lines to connect them without crossing any lines. This time I saw me carrying a banner that said: GO FORTH.
No I am not going to the Olympics.
At first I was reminded of the up-coming Olympics and the torch that they carry. Then I saw myself – carrying the word of this year. Valiantly carrying on even though I have no idea where God is headed.
I love the challenge of the 33 dots and of my life with God.
When finding my “word” and scripture for 2018 I heard these words:
thrive, flourish, prosper, blossom, profitable and succeed.
My scripture for this year is from Hebrews 13:21
May God give you every good thing you need so you can do what He wants. May He do in us what pleases Him through Jesus Christ. May Christ have all the shining-greatness forever! Let it be so (NLT).
As you can see I only go forth with Him.
Not ahead. Not holding back. It is my goal to do what He desires and not my will.
Here is my image from today’s challenge.
Call to Action:
Are you searching for more in your studying of the Bible?
Do you hesitate to take your Bible from the shelf?
Do you want to go deeper with God?
Connect. Create. Grow through God’s Word.
If you are interested you are welcome to join us in our search together on Growing Through God’s Word Facebook group.
We are finishing up Proverbs now. And today I learned Proverbs 28:19
“He who worked his land will have abundant food, but the one who chases fantasies will have his fill of poverty.”
You can also find me on Instagram.
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