How Our Heavenly Father Doesn’t Miss a Thing
by Joy Lenton
Everyone needs compassion, love that’s never failing; let mercy fall on me. Everyone needs forgiveness, the kindness of a Saviour~ Hillsong ‘Mighty to Save’
Life can alter in a day. My husband’s minor cold symptoms escalated to major. Quarantined with a continual cough, weakness and pain, he hacked and sneezed his way through several days and nights.
Co-incidentally, cupboards were almost bare, cash flow practically non existent, and I was forced into acting as nurse and carer to him instead. I rang for help. My brother-in-law shopped for us. A neighbour fetched necessary medication.
We survived, able to cope due to the kindness of family and friends. God ensured I could keep going, providing increased energy and strength to match the needs.
And as I set about preparing the simplest of fare to keep us fed and watered, my heart was filled with deep gratitude to God.
For our heavenly Father doesn’t miss a thing.
He is always looking out for us. His mercies, loving kindness and compassion are new every morning.
Yes, we lived on snacks (Christmas party food, anyone?), lots of toast, pre-prepared, microwaveable meals for a while. Dust collected in corners, dirty laundry piled up, but we managed.
Each person has gifts which bless and benefit others.
Kindness, like encouragement, is within the reach of all.
Learning to give and receive is both art and grace.
Help us learn to be both generous givers and grateful recipients of your grace and goodness as it reaches us through the hands of others. May we trust you to meet all our needs day by day. Amen.
Kindness, like encouragement, is within the reach of all. (tweet this)
Our heavenly Father doesn’t miss a thing; He is always looking out for us. (tweet this)
Here is the wonderful Hillsong praise song Mighty to Save.
Joy Lenton
Joy is a grace-dweller and storyteller who weaves words out of the fabric of my days. Her desire is to seek the poetic in the prosaic and look for the eternal in the temporal.
As an M.E and chronic illness sufferer, who is also recovering from a painful past, she writes with a heart for the hurting and to support and encourage others who are struggling with life and faith issues.
She is a member of the Association of Christian Writers and Fellowship of Christian bloggers.
You can connect with her at her blogs, ‘Words of Joy’ or ‘Poetry Joy’, and on Twitter, Facebook, Google + or Pinterest.