Live in Constant Contact with God

Live in Constant Contact with God – Word of God Speak linkup

This week was launch week for The Kingdom of Thrim my new children’s book. In my book Yoj, a happy doll maker, learns it’s best to keep in constant contact with God and give his best where God has put him.

constant contact

If you do well, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desire to have you, but you must master it (Genesis 4:7, NIV).

As I read this passage over and over and did my SIMPLE Bible Study Method – I realized how easily we can be snared into temptation – to forget what that our God comes first. The rest of the stuff has to wait – He deserves the first fruits – the best offering we can give Him.

No matter what is happening – even when we feel there is too much going on – we need to take time and be with Jesus. He helps us carry on.

No matter the time lines
No matter the deeds
Keep close to Jesus
He’s the One you need. (Janis Cox 2016)

Sin is crouching – ready to pounce. We must be ready – we must remain with Jesus and keep a firm foundation of faith. The devil is aware of our weaknesses and will grab them to keep us away from our primary focus.

This ties in so well with last week – How to Live Well. – Be wise how you live.

constant contact


Keep close to Jesus. He’s the One you need. (tweet this)

if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door (tweet this)

Please feel free to share the memes on this page.

The Kingdom of Thrim is ready to purchase – please visit my Bookstore.

constant contact

Today is Word of God Speak Linkup. Join us.



    1. Thank you so much Michele,
      Still waiting for it to show on Amazon but we are on our way. Finally. Thanks for great review.

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