Podcast for Hope Stream Radio – The Poppy
This week on Hope Stream Radio I talk about the poppy, and what it means to me spiritually. It goes so well with the scripture we are memorizing this week from Isaiah 40:8. The poppy will fade but God’s Word stands forever.
Jesus laid down His life for us. Let us take up that banner – the banner of Christ. I found this song on You Tube. I really liked the words. Raise a banner of love. This is by Luminate Band – Banner of Love.
This seems to be what the world needs right now. LOVE.
Please tune in to Hope Stream Radio and listen to my program called Word of God Speak – the Poppy.
Listen to Hope Stream Radio @hopestreamradio – Word of God Speak on Tuesdays, and Saturdays (click to tweet).
Luminate Band, Banner of Love – just what we need right now. Show some love. (click to tweet)
Amen, Janis! Lifting up the name of Jesus and the banner of His love is what our world so desperately needs. Beautiful song!
Thanks so much Wendy. I love the song too.