Simply Saturday
This is planting season in Ontario (through the rain drops). I understand how to put a seed into the ground, cover it with soil, and with water and sunshine a plant or an oak tree can grow. But the art of grafting one plant to another has always baffled me. One plant is literally STUCK to another plant and the two become as one.
Here is a picture of a grafted tree, one part Native Ash and the other European. (Picture found with thanks, jbcurio)
I think that is the process we are in – becoming STUCK to Jesus.
“rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith and overflowing with thankfulness” (Colossians 2: 7 NIV)
I want the glue to STICK and be permanent. I think they use tape or twine or something sturdy to hold the plants together.
What is my tape?
Prayer, study, meditation, reading the Bible, worship, and fasting.
Only with these can I keep STUCK. Will I ever be firmly rooted to Jesus? Yes, in heaven – but until that time I want to keep the tape firmly holding Jesus and me together.
(Romans 8:35 NIV) says “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?”
I need to keep ‘rooted’ or grafted in all circumstances and with thanksgiving in order to live in the joy of the LORD.
Other connections that make me remember to start my day with Him:
(Isaiah 22:23 NIV) “I will drive him like a peg into a firm place;”
Ann Voskamp’s book, One Thousand Gifts:
Quote: “And when I give thanks for the seemingly microscopic, I make a place for God to grow within me.” And as I get up and take my place with God, I remember to thank him.
Ann continues, “Only real prayers are the ones mouthed with thankful lips. Because gratitude ushers into the other side of prayer, into the heart of the God-love, and all power to change the world, me, resides here in His love.” (Chapter 3)
Continuing to work on being firmly fixed to Him.
I love this analogy, and the way you refer to it as ‘the process of becoming STUCK to Jesus.’ This little branch needs all the life giving nourishment of the vine she can get. 🙂
Thanks for the comment Heather. We all need that life giving nourishment that Christ gives. Keep wrapped with the tape of spiritual disciplines and He will stay close.
Jan, your posts are always so thought provoking. Thanks for “Simply Saturday”. I feel like your writing is iron sharpening iron.
Thanks Kim,
What God has done this week by showing me that HE needs to be FIRST, has been awe inspiring. Now He holds the pen!