Simply Saturday
I decided to move A Better Way to Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Since I also produce another blog called Under the Cover of Prayer that has posts that run Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I thought it better if those who subscribed to both blogs got a new post a day instead of two posts in one day.
For that reason we now have a Saturday blog. I also have been following Gypsy Mama – and she has a wonderful idea to help get our ideas flowing – she calls it Five Minute Fridays. So I am going to jump on that idea and call my Saturdays – Simply Saturday. I will only write for 5 minutes – that’s all and then post. Of course, this will also take prayer so I can have inspiration. I hope Lisa-Jo doesn’t mind my using her idea.
For other bloggers, if you want to feel challenged try writing for only 5 minutes in your blog. Then put the link in the comment section and others will read your thoughts. There is no topic like there is at Gypsy Mama. I would love to do the Gypsy Mama challenge but I can’t write on “topics” – I like to feel the Spirit flow through me.
I really wanted to keep my Saturdays simple.
Here is my first simple post: I timed myself – 5 minutes only.
First – my prayer:
Lord, help me to write Your thoughts in five minutes. In Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN
I had a guest over a few days ago. We started to have a discussion on regrets. He stated that regrets pull him down into a state of depression.
I suggested that he try to let the past be in the past and live in the moment that God has given us to live in – which is now.
He said that was too hard, that his thoughts kept bringing him back to things “he should have done differently”.
What if he filled his thoughts with gratitude for the present? I like what Paul wrote in Philippians:
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things” (Philippians 4:8 NIV).
What are your experiences? Has God helped you get over your regrets? If so, how? Please leave your comments below.
OOPS – my five minutes are up! Your turn.
Post Script:
Here is a poem I found that I had written in 2003
Establish the Work of Our Hands
Forget yesterday
It’s flown by
Regrets we must let go
Worries about tomorrow we give to you, O Lord
For today is the only truth
Today has the only meaning
We live to experience
We live to love
We live to give ourselves to you, O Lord
Help me today to make it
A good day for YOU

Thanks for directing me here, Jan. I sure can relate to what your friend said about the past dragging him down. I really don’t understand some people who never seem to get ‘down.’ Depression has plagued my family from as far back as I can remember.
But God is so good. When I first got saved I thought it was ‘full speed ahead,’ and ‘never look back.’ After all, having never read the Bible and then seeing — this one thing I do, forgetting that which lies behind… I purposed to doggedly drive every thought of it clear out of my head.
What I didn’t realize was that God was purposing to have me ‘deal with my stuff,’ instead. I couldn’t deal with ‘regrets’ properly because of fear of God’s anger and retribution, and it has taken years for God to thoroughly convince me He’s not like people–His forgiveness encompasses it all. In this secure place, He and I are happily obliterating every regret.
I thank God for every hardship along the way that drove me right into His shelter: my refuge, deliverer, strong tower… as the psalm says, my very present help in time of need. 🙂
What a wonderful response. Exactly – if we can’t deal with our past through forgiveness in Christ – then our past will haunt us. I had many things that I had to lay before the Christ, but finally realizing that God will wipe the slate clean, – that has made all the difference. Now I know I can start again, free from past encumbrances.
Hi Jan,
I think it’s wise to let your two blogs’ posts alternate days.
About regrets… there may be times they keep coming back because we still need to make some apology or restitution or seek reconciliation. If we pray and discover this is so, we need courage to obey.
But usually regrets are pokes from the enemy of our souls and we need to turn them aside with prayer and with Scripture like the Philippians verse you quoted.
Geoff Moore is a singer who’s been around for a long time but one I only recently “discovered” — in his amazing new album, “Saying Grace,” he has a song with the line “let your past be where you came from” and I think that’s so true.
One thing we can do with a recurring regret (where we know there’s nothing more God wants us to do in regard to it) is turn it into praise — praising God for what He’s done so that we’re not still that person who made that kind of choice. “Look at how He’s changed me, isn’t He good?”
Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I agree that if there is something eating away at you it certainly might be the Holy Spirit telling you that forgiveness and repentance might be the solution. I also agree that Satan can turn these memories into huge mountains because he doesn’t want us to be free and able to overcome everything with Christ’s help.
“Live for the day’–Yes. But “Forget about the past”…”Today has the only meaning”–Something in me digs its heels in against that. As William Faulkner said, “The past is never dead. It is not even past.”
You don’t have to forget about the past completely. But if you read Janet’s comment you will see if something “digs” at you – it might be in need of repentance. Once you are forgiven, and have learned to forgive yourself – then the past won’t haunt you as deeply. And dwelling on anything is never helpful to me. It only builds more and more. And did William Faulkner know the Lord’s forgiveness?