33 Dots: Skater
Another day for 33 Dots – from Meg Konovska’s idea. This is my second day of randomly placing 33 dots on a piece of paper – then trying to figure out what’s there. Today we get a colourful skater.

As I looked at this skater, I thought of myself on ice skates. I used to be able to skate pretty well. Not great but I could make it around the rink. Not now. Now I need help. Last year my daughters took me for a spin and they shot this picture. I stayed steady for the picture and then said – “grab me.”
This year, everyone forgot their cameras. But I still went around the rink twice. It wasn’t as smooth this year – many holes from lots of use. But I felt a sense of accomplishment, just putting them on, getting to the rink, and going around with help on either side.
This girl remind me of how I need to be bold, whether in trying to skate, or attempting new things.
Her skates don’t look very steady and that’s how I feel sometimes, treading this Internet and connecting with others. I’m on shaky ground.
But God tells us again and again (over 400 times actually) to not fear.
Do NOT be afraid He says.
He will always be with us. It is God Who leads and guides us so we have NOTHING to fear.
Read John 14:27
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
The colourful outfit that my girl is wearing is the creativity that’s in me. It’s in all of us. But we are fearful of not being able to do it. But if we let ourselves go and let God lead it is amazing what He can do.
Read Ephesians 2:10
“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
Here is the beginning of the picture. I had put the 33 dots. I forgot to take the picture with just the dots.

When I wrote Tadeo Turtle and wanted to illustrate my own children’s book, I didn’t think that was possible. But I did it. And it won an award in 2012 from The Word Awards.
What I believe, is that we can do anything when God is beside us.
We can learn to change our plans: our temperament; we can be kinder; we can learn to be inspirational; we can learn to draw, to write and even to skate. But we do need to ask Him and listen for His answers too.
Do you want to change? Are you tired of doing things on your own? There are two ways I hope I can help?
Growing Through God’s Word is an interactive Facebook Group that is a safe place to explore your faith without judgment. Learn to read your Bible and discover God’s Word. Learn to listen and hear God speak. JOIN US.
We share. We learn. We create. We connect. We grow.
Janis is a creativity catalyst with a heart to connect people to God. She specializes in creating art based on Scripture so that the Truth penetrates hearts and not just minds.The world needs more pictures, art and colour.
She also has a gift for you called One Word at a Time, if you like to work through scripture.