Sunday Stillness – How to encourage each other

Today’s thoughts are based on Titus 1:4, using my SIMPLE method of Bible study. I find it amazing how even this short, easy passage can bring so much to light. Always start my studying by praying for guidance.
S – Say the passage aloud.
To Titus, my true son in our common faith: grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus, our Saviour (Titus 1:4, NIV).
I – Identify the characters, the setting, and the circumstances surrounding this passage.
Once again Paul is talking to Titus who is left on Crete to fulfill God’s calling. This is a simple but profound greeting that Paul makes in all his letters. He calls Titus, “my true son”. Titus was a gentile convert and that makes this all the more amazing.
M- Make a list of the thoughts, questions and ideas.
I kept thinking about Christian believers – and why there is so much dissension if we all believe in Jesus as our Saviour. Why are there put downs of other Christians? Why put downs of government leaders – we are called to pray for them.
God gives us rules to follow – gives US rules to follow – not THEM. It is for our benefit to follow them. We need to be together in this fight against Satan. Even those in the world are not our enemies – Satan is.
Paul calls Titus my “true son”. True means sincere – where are the sincere Christians? We need to pray for Christian writers, for Christian churches and for Christian charities that they remain sincere in their faith and lives. We need God’s power in this world to overcome Satan.
Paul, by this greeting, tells Titus that he is important enough to deserve a letter. He took time to write to Titus.
An interesting historical aside: Ed tells us in his book that the Cretans are the direct ancestors of the biblical Philistines.
P – Pray again for God’s guidance.
L- Life – How can I apply what I have been studying to my life?
Paul took time for what was important to God – to encourage Titus in his ministry on Crete.
Encouragers: Writers for God are encouragers. We take time to write our thoughts, to communicate with one another and to the world.
There is no such thing as a genuine Christian faith that we make up on our own (Ed Hird, Restoring Health, page 31).
At the very heart of being healthy, of being sound is the gift of GRACE and PEACE ( ibid, my emphasis).
E – Exit the passage with a prayer for God to help you.
Lord, help us as followers of Jesus to encourage one another, to build up and not put down, to strengthen writers, pastors and leaders; to look to You at all times, good or bad. We know You are more than able. We and thank You for bringing us together. In Jesus’ name. AMEN
Janis Cox
Janis is the author of the award winning children’s book, Tadeo Turtle, published by Word Alive Press. Available in Kindle Format, in bookstores, online and from her website. Curriculum available upon request.
You can find her on Facebook, and Twitter. Tadeo has his own Facebook Page.
I sometimes link to:
Playdates @lauraboggess
The Weekend Brew @BarbieSwihart
Titus Tuesdays @Cornerstone Confessions
Today is Sunday Stillness – Join us – spread His Word through your words.
Thank you to all bloggers who are joining me in Sunday Stillness.

I love the book of Titus and so enjoy your devotional thoughts!
Janis, your art piece is beautiful! I could look at it for a long time. It exudes peace.
I think we often take for granted how much our words encourage until we’re on the receiving end. This week I’ve been challenged and I’ve been amazed how, at just the right time, I’ve received encouraging words.
All the best for a blessed Christmas!
Thank you so much Diane. I do give away free prints of my artwork every month in my newsletter. I would love you to join.
And it is amazing how God sends us those to encourage us – at just the right time.
Blessings and Merry Christmas to you,
Gorgeous water color, Janis! I love the colors and textures. Thanks for hosting & God bless.
Thank you Laurie. Yes I loved the colours in that one too. Tried to show the beauty of creation. It is a watercolour batik – a little different in production as I use wax to save my colours.
It is always timely to write about encouraging others. May we all learn to build each other up and in the process share God with others. Blessings!
Yes for sure – a great time of the year to remember to spur each other on in the faith. Thanks.
Your post is so thoughtful on exactly how to go about encouraging someone else. Also a good time to use on ourselves when we are blue. 🙂
Thanks so much Hazel. That’s why I love Sunday Stillness and the other linkys because we can meet others, and encourage one another.
Blessings to you,