Thoughtful Tuesdays – What are my Goals for 2015?
I watched 3 videos produced by Michael Hyatt. I think they are worth watching for writers and non-writers.
What did I learn?
First of all I know that I procrastinate – a lot.
I know that I am led astray very easily.
I have lots of interesting ideas and thoughts – too many for one person to accomplish.
So I decided to write down exactly how and what I am feeling at this point. (That way I can review this next year.)
- I will look back over 2014 and see what I accomplished.
- I will allow myself to dream – and dream big.
- I will write down my goals.
- I will be specific in my goal setting.
- I will look at where I am most motivated and go in that direction.
- I will start – even if it is small bites – because starting is important.
I didn’t join the 5 day course Michael was advertising but I learned a lot in the first two videos to know where to start.
Here is my full sentence using the red words.
After I look back over the last year, I will dream; then write down specific goals in the areas where I am most motivated and I will start.
I know that I always start with God. Here is a Scripture He brought to my mind.
So Eli told Samuel, “Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.’” So Samuel went and lay down in his place (1 Samuel 3:9, NIV)
As you can see my goals differ from my personality. I remember attending a workshop called – How to be Intentional. I think that is exactly what I need to do – be Intentional for 2015. Not only intentional on listening to God – but intentional on writing down what I feel and hear in my heart.
I guess that will be my working word for 2015 – Intentional.
What are my goals for 2015? Why do I want to be Intentional? (tweet this)
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Janis Cox is the author of the award winning children’s book, Tadeo Turtle, published by Word Alive Press. Available in Kindle Format, and paperback in bookstores, online and from her website. Curriculum available upon request.
You can find her on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Tadeo has his own Facebook Page.
Janis, I couldn’t get this lin kto work — – regardelss, love how you started thinking up a word way before I even suggested illustrating it somehow. 🙂
Oh Janis, what an inspiration your blog was this morning! I will take time to absorb it as I think back to what God taught me in 2014 and then look ahead to my goals for 2015.
Oh thank you Sandi. I wasn’t sure if I was making any sense as I tried to put forth my ideas. I am in absorbing mode as well.
I am thinking we need to make a special group of people who want to set specific goals – and then check in time and again to see how we are doing. God changes our goals and we need to realize that and allow for it to happen. But we have to start somewhere. I believe in encouragement to all Christian writers. And encouragement to all Christians – to listen to God, find out His goal, then take the necessary steps to walk the way He is leading.
Blessings on your walk,