Sunday Stillness – The Tender Shoot
I have been meditating on the cross. Today the word “tender” came to me. And then I found “tender shoot”. Here is the full scripture in NIV and the Message:
He grew up before him like a tender shoot,
and like a root out of dry ground.
He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,
nothing in his appearance that we should desire him (Isaiah 53:2, NIV).The servant grew up before God—a scrawny seedling,
a scrubby plant in a parched field.
There was nothing attractive about him,
nothing to cause us to take a second look (Isaiah 53:2, The Message).
Then I watched the Billy Graham 95th birthday video thanks to my friend Joanne at Days and Thoughts. And it said it all – The Cross; how offensive it is; how weak; how lowly; – but how powerful it became when our Lord rose and conquered death for us.
So those days when you feel weak (like I did yesterday), call on Jesus, He is strong. For those days when you feel strong, keep close to Him so you know that you are following His Way and not yours.
For those looking for deeper meaning in this Scripture check out John Gill’s commentary.
Here is the video. I encourage you to watch it.
Today is Sunday Stillness – be still before Him.
Stop and feel His touch.
Do you have a Scripture that spoke to you this week? Please link below. If you post to Twitter use #sundaystillness and @authorjaniscox.
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Thanks for these reflections, Janis. They’ve given me new food for thought, leading me to revisit a piece I wrote earlier called “Tended and Nurtured,” about His tender care in all our weakness:
Your verse reminds me, powefully, that God’s tenderness is strong for its very vulnerability. For it is His shame, His pain, His wounds that have healed us (verse 5!).
God bless you,
Praise God for the cross, where Jesus conquered sin and death forever. Thanks for hosting & God bless!
You are welcome Laurie – yes – praise Him in His goodness to do this for us.
Hi Janis. Thank you for inviting me to linkup here. I have done so, and I’m following you with Linky. I pray you’ll have a restful Sunday. Blessings, Nancy
Great to have you here Nancy. I hope you come back each Sunday.
Dear Janis
I was thinking about this a lot last week; the fact that our Lord Jesus was not what the world would call the perfect man. Yet, He is the perfect King of the universe! His humility is really astounding, don’t you think!
Blessings XX
Yes Mia, my thoughts exactly. How the words – “tender shoot” came to me – Obviously God speaking. I didn’t even remember that Scripture until I looked it up. The King – despised and rejected but full of power and majesty. Wow!
Janis, reading your post made me remember a time at church camp, back in the 70’s, when we put on a musical for the whole camp body. One of the songs had a line in it, “Like a root out of the dry ground sprang my Jesus.” Can’t remember the rest but I do recall such a lovely time that year of learning and growing at that camp.
It also struck me from that scripture that not only did Christ come to a humble home but he came with no earthly beauty. Today’s famous ones either have wealth, power or looks. He had neither yet affected the whole world!
Yes Jerralea,
That’s why we need to remember that power and fame on earth are fleeting – we look to Jesus who has the power of resurrection and therefore we can have eternal life. I love that.
My husband has often said that the cross is both the greatest evil and blessing there ever was…the Son of God dying like a common criminal. But there is so much more to the story, isn’t there! God does like to use the most unlikely of things to bring about His glory 🙂
Blessing to you this day, Janis!
Yes Marty,
And when I feel weak I can feel His the strongest. It is so upside down.
Janis, I always enjoy your posts and illustrations. You keep it on point and succinct, easily focused upon. Your drawing is powerful in its simplicity. Thank you for sharing each week what the Lord has put on your heart.
Thank you so much. I have found that I understand things when they are direct – short – and yes simple. I remember better as well.
Janis – I love how you brought that verse from Isaiah alongside Billy Graham’s video. Maybe because I had already seen the video. Maybe because the video had touched me so deeply. Not sure. But that verse spoke deeply this morning. My prayer is that I would grow up fully in Him so that I may do what He would have me to do while I am here on this earth. Have a blessed Sunday, friend. You have blessed me.
Well truly God did all that. His timing was perfect. But I saw the video and it made an impact on me as well – and just complemented the theme too.
I just finished reading the book of Isaiah – so incredibly powerful. It struck me how he prophesied that no one would even be attracted to Christ, in fact many would be repelled! Gave me goosebumps. Thank you so much for posting the link – I forgot to DVR it! Blessings!
Yes I need to go back and study Isaiah – I seem to have more and more Scriptures coming from that book. Very powerful.