Sunday Stillness – What is a paradigm shift?

The other day as I put my IPAD on the charger I realized it fit perfectly with the cover on. I had always had trouble putting it in the charger while the cover was on. Suddenly it occurred to me that I must have had the IPAD in the other way. Now the connection was on the other side – and it fit – without removing the cover.
Have you ever been so sure of something that it was the RIGHT way and then were proven wrong?
This is called a Paradigm Shift.
There are many examples of this and I am sure you can comment on the ones that have happened to you.
Pastor Bruxy Cavey from The Meeting House tells a story of how he went into the wrong bathroom – so sure that he was in the right bathroom he felt sorry and embarrassed for the women entering. Hiding behind the stall it all of sudden donned on him – I am in the wrong washroom. It was quite an amusing tale how he escaped from the washroom undetected.
The realization of the truth does come on SUDDENLY.
That is one reason that God’s Word to us from the Bible can make tremendous impact and change in our lives. We will not expect the change but SUDDENLY it will come to light and the truth revealed.
Kyle Idleman wrote a book called AHA. In it he talks about the AHA moments of our lives.
On the day you finally come home, you will find Him waiting for you. You might wonder, How did He know to wait for me on this day? How did He know I was coming today? He has been waiting for you every day ~ Kyle Idleman – AHA.
From the Bible we read the story of Peter. Peter had been arrested and was in jail. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared to him and helped him escape.
Peter left the jail. Peter came to himself and said, “Now I know without a doubt that the Lord sent his angel and rescue me from Herod’s clutches and from everything the Jewish people were anticipating.” When this dawned on him… (Acts 12:11-12, NIV). (bolding mine)
This past week I attended a funeral of a very close family member. At the end of the internment the snow which had been falling steadily stopped, the clouds parted for a brief moment and blue sky appeared. Then the sun (Son) shone directly on the grave site and the family. What a blessed moment in time! And it was SUDDEN.
At any moment in time God can reveal a truth to us.
Are you ready to be surprised? Have you been surprised all ready? Did you thank God for His revelation?
Are you in need of prayer? Email me at Under the Cover of Prayer.
What is a paradigm shift? Are you ready to be surprised by God. (tweet this)
Welcome to Sunday Stillness. A day to reflect – to read more about Jesus – to be still before God. Please drop over to some of the amazing posts below. Thanks for being part of Sunday Stillness.
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I’m so sorry about the loss of your dear one. I’m so glad you felt God’s presence so surely and suddenly at that particular moment.
I do love the way God shifts my gaze. You describe it so well, my friend.
Thanks Laura,
It is very hard to know someone is no longer here with us – but so grateful to know the promise of eternity. It brings such hope.
Janis, you write from such a deep clear well. Thanks for the shift.
Love it. Shifting constantly toward God and the truth.
Being born again was my greatest paradigm shift! And it still is a wonderful blessing to learn a new truth from His Word! Thanks for the great post & for hosting & God bless!
What a wonderful way of explaining that! Thank you. And thanks, as always, for hosting.
Thanks for the kudos – so encouraging.
Great post – was part of our discussion this morning before service began. The AHA moment crossing into “disciple” mode. And – the bathroom story – LOL – I have a friend from high school this happened to in a restaurant when she was about 18. Love to hear her tell of her AHA moment. Happy to call her sister in the Lord, too.
What a God-incident – amazing how we learn similar things at the same time.
What an encouraging post to explain how at times we can be so wrong and then discover the truth. The gifts of the Holy Spirit need to be investigated from scripture and not from someone’s “teaching/opinion.” Thanks for the invite to submit my recent post.
Yes Hazel – we can’t rely on man’s interpretation of Scripture. The Holy Spirit will speak straight to our minds and we will know the truth.
Your examples to explain paradigm shift are great! Oh, how often God’s Word has caused a shift in my wrong thinking, reacting and responding!
I had a few more examples – but yes God shows us when we need correction with our thinking. Eyes wide open and we can see the truth of any situation.
Dear Janis,
Wonderful description of a paradigm shift. It made me think of the problem that I have had with my computer suddenly enlarging the screen. I couldn’t figure out how to navigate on the screen so I had to turn it off and restart. This past week I was looking for something else and discovered the words “actual size” under the tab labelled view. Aha, this fixed the screen. I jumped up to tell my husband that I had discovered the solution to the nagging problem. But much more joy when I encounter a spiritual paradigm shift while studying the Bible.
Yes I jumped for joy as well when I figured out the truth about Jesus. My daughter thought her zipper was broken, it turns out it is a double zipper and the other end was at the top. (she’s a Mom – so we laughed a lot about this one).
Now we can see a paradigm shift and see the truth.
What a powerful message. Truth truly does come suddenly, and the effects are drastic. I also love your illustration at the beginning. That sounds like something I would do 🙂
Thanks for your encouragement. And yes the truth does come suddenly. We are going in a different direction – then – wow, really?