Study the Bible using ABCs

When I start into studying a verse using the S.I.M.P.L.E. Method of Bible Study, I feel different. I tried to put my feelings into words this morning. My thoughts and words came out in an abecedarian poem. Aphabetical Study Alphabetical study of God’s WordBecomes a place toConcentrate Dig deeper Effectively Fresh ideasGod-taught Heaven appearsInvites me in… Continue reading Study the Bible using ABCs

HOW TO PRAY – part I

Today we have the first in a series of posts on How to Pray from Jessica Bowman. She writes a delightful blog at Bohemian Bowmans. How to Pray – part I by Jessica Bowman I find it impossible to address how we should pray, without wanting to talk about all the ways we shouldn’t pray.… Continue reading HOW TO PRAY – part I
