We welcome a new guest blogger today, June Whittle. I am pleased to have her join us at #UTCOP. Please give her a warm welcome. Enjoy her post about faith and never giving up.
#UTCOP – God, Why Are You Not Answering My Prayer?
by June Whittle

So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you (Luke 11:9, NIV).
As far as I was concerned, I was asking, asking and asking. But God wasn’t answering. So one night, on my knees I cried out, ‘God, why are you not answering my prayer?’
I had been earnestly praying for my daughter to come back to God.
For three years we were part of a dedicated praise and worship team at a church. She was passionate about God, read her Bible daily, prayed and even ministered to her friends. But something in the church changed. The focus became too money orientated, instead of the Word of God. So, God moved us from there.
My daughter didn’t want to know God anymore.
We did find another church. However, the experiences from the old church left a bad taste in my daughter’s mouth. She started to question God about faith, creation and lots of other things.
Eventually, she didn’t want to go to church anymore. She started drifting away. And my heart was breaking. I felt like I was losing my daughter.
Our home turned into a battlefield. I couldn’t talk to her. Everything I said upset her. She lashed out at me verbally at every given chance. I became extremely stressed. I rang family and friends asking for advice. They were helpful, but it didn’t change anything. The situation grew worse.
My daughter developed an interest in nightclubs, drinking and smoking. Her best friend (an old classmate) was a girl who loved getting drunk and hanging out with lots of boys. She and my daughter became so close that my daughter stayed at her flat most nights. Sometimes I didn’t even know if she was coming home or not. When I questioned her about her whereabouts, she got angry with me.
Where was God when I needed Him?
It’s funny how you tend to turn to everybody else except God in a crisis. But I thank God for the promptings of the Holy Spirit. He spoke to my heart and told me to commit the situation to God.
Pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (1 Thes. 5:17-18, NKJV).
That’s exactly what I did. For months, I prayed asking God to take control and do something. I cried out to Him. I begged Him.
But the more I prayed, the worse the situation became. Many more months passed.
My daughter and I just wasn’t getting on. She didn’t even want to stay at home or spend any time with me. When she was at home, she stayed in her room. I hardly saw her.
“Why God? Why? Why are you not answering my prayers?” I pleaded with Him. I couldn’t understand what I was doing wrong. I even asked a fervent man of God to agree with me in prayer for my daughter to come back to God and to change her rebellious ways.
It seemed like all my prayers were floating in the air. Maybe God didn’t hear me or refused to listen to my pleas.
However, I didn’t give up.
When she was out at night, I prayed for her protection. I was afraid she would get raped or even murdered. She was mixing with all types of unsavory people. People who didn’t know God. Who didn’t care about how they lived their lives.
I knew I shouldn’t worry. I couldn’t help it though. I had no peace at nights.
The torment I was in, went on for nearly two years.
The surprise telephone call that blew my mind.
Then one day my daughter told me she was going to the sexual health clinic because she needed to get a check up. She thought she had a urinary infection. I left for work that morning and told her to call me with the results.
She did call me. I was with a student at the time. She said, “Mum, I’m pregnant!”
I replied, “What? Really?” To say I was shocked is an understatement. But I wasn’t angry.
She added, “I wonder what plans God has for me now.”
Well, when I heard her mention the name God, it took my breath away. She actually thought about Him. Enough to wonder about His will for her life.
Anyway, a few weeks later, she rededicated her life to Jesus. Her walk with Him was stronger than before. During her pregnancy, she was on fire for God. I was amazed at the transformation.
So, what I learned was, when you pray and God is silent, He is working. Don’t ever stop praying. Whatever it is you’re asking God to do, hang in there. Be patient and trust Him. He knows best. In my daughter’s case, God used what seemed like a bad situation to glorify His name.
Heavenly Father, I give you thanks. I praise your holy name and worship you. Lord, you are everything to me. When the challenges of life hits me hard, I know I can depend on you. I thank you because you are faithful. You said you would never leave me or forsake me. Thank you for being there even when I thought I was on my own. You carried me when I felt too tired to go on. You lifted me up when my spirit was at its lowest. You whispered to my heart, but I was too distressed to hear you. You were telling me not to give up. And I thank you for keeping me rooted in you.
Lord, I pray that you will bless all mothers, especially single mothers on their own. I ask that you reveal yourself to the ones who are crying out to you for help. Shine your light in the dark places of their lives. May they come to know you and accept you as their Lord. Pour out your love and peace in their hearts. Father, provide everything they need to look after their families.
Father God, I bless you from the bottom of my heart. I give you all the glory, honour and praise. You are worthy. Thank you for your love. In Jesus name. Amen.
When you pray and God is silent, He is working. (tweet this)
June Whittle
June is a single Christian Mummy, freelance writer and blogger. She gave her life to Jesus in 2000 after the death of her dad, ex husband and 2 week old grandson. That year was a turning point in her life. God carried her through the grief and heartaches. He was her strength and source of peace. She hasn’t looked back at her old life since.
June writes to encourage, inspire and motivate other ladies, both Christians and non Christians. God told her to use her gift of writing. As she walks in obedience she finds fulfillment and joy. She loves to help others and uses her writing as a means to empower.
June can be found at: Arise Single Christian Mummies, Miraculous Ladies and Divine Copywriter.

Truly inspirational…I have also experienced many times when I felt that God was not hearing me just to find out later down the road that He had things worked out all along. Many times we put ourselves through unnecessary anxiety and worry because we don’t understand the mind of God. It can be very difficult to wait on God, but it definitely takes us to another level in our faith. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you. You’re so right about us putting ourselves through unnecessary anxiety and worry because we don’t understand the mind of God. I’ve done that too many times. And it’s hard to wait on God but we need to. Patience is the key.
Thanks so much for your comments. I appreciate it. God bless. 🙂
Hi June. It’s good to meet you. Welcome to UTCOP! Your words here are a blessing. This is an insightful message and prayer. Thank you for sharing 🙂 x
Thank you Poetry Joy. You’re welcome. I was so excited and blessed when my daughter came back to God, it was overwhelming. God is faithful.
I’m even more blessed now that I have a beautiful grandson (named Joshua Caleb) to share our lives with. He’s a joy. And I know he wasn’t an accident. God does things in a mysterious way. 🙂
Thank you Brenda for your welcome. God deserves the glory for what He did in our lives. It was a pleasure sharing my story. God bless.
June, welcome to this site and more importantly-thank you for this message today….