#UTCOP – How Can I Have a Conversation with God?
by Joy Lenton
Have you ever thought that you wouldn’t bother God with your concerns?
Maybe they feel too small or huge to hand over to Him and you wonder if it might be wasting His time; and isn’t He just too busy taking care of really important things/people to be free to take care of me? Thankfully, no and no.
Nothing matters more to our loving heavenly Father
than being available to us ~ all of the time.
There are no constraints. No limits to His love, patience, kindness and compassion. We can take every concern to Him in prayer and be reassured that He hears, will take it seriously and respond appropriately.
There are promises in His word reminding us of God’s faithfulness, steadfastness and fatherly care, yet we so often feel we cannot share This _ fill in the blank.. with Him. Maybe shame or fear hold us back, or anxiety about how to pray and what to say. Because we are apt to forget how much He loves us, how we are no surprise to our Creator, how He has paid the price to set us free from the worst of ourselves to become our best true selves in Christ.
Sometimes we get lost in the silence and fail to listen for the gentle whispered reply. Sometimes we draw back because prayers seem to go unanswered and we are just too hurt to pray again. Sometimes God speaks clearly but we don’t like what He is saying.
No matter the cause, God wants us to see prayer as vital and intrinsic,
simple and natural to our lives as breathing.
Long words and pious speech are not necessary. We can say nothing or chat just as we would to our best friend, because that’s just what He is. In everyday conversation with those we love and are comfortable around there will be times of sitting in a companionable silence, times of non-stop exuberant chatter, times of leaning on the other where tears alone speak volumes. So it is with God.
He invites us to come just as we are.
To share our moments and our days, be caught up in His will and ways, and to let our hearts break with what breaks His. We have all of heaven’s resources at our disposal, Holy Spirit interceding for us when words fail, an alertly attentive Father above whose heart spills with tremendous grace and love, so what’s stopping us?
Come to Him today.
He won’t rebuke you for any delay but He will welcome you and me with arms wide open.
Father, forgive us for making prayer a thing to fear, a chore, ritual or dutiful habit rather than a conversation with The One who loves us beyond measure and rejoices over us with singing. Help us to make time to talk to you and time for you to speak to us, knowing our lives will be greatly enriched, our journey of life and faith enhanced and our hearts rewarded by peace and joy for every minute we offer to you. Amen.
God invites us to come just as we are. (tweet this)
God wants us to see prayer as vital and intrinsic, simple and natural. (tweet this)
Joy Lenton
Joy is a grace-dweller and storyteller who weaves words out of the fabric of her days. Her desire is to seek the poetic in the prosaic and look for the eternal in the temporal.
As an M.E and chronic illness sufferer, who is also recovering from a painful past, she writes with a heart for the hurting and to support and encourage others who are struggling with life and faith issues.
She is a member of the Association of Christian Writers and Fellowship of Christian bloggers.
You can connect with her at her blogs, ‘Words of Joy’ or ‘Poetry Joy’, and on Twitter, Facebook, Google + or Pinterest.

Thanks for sharing.
Too often people seem to get caught up in what does a proper prayer sound like?
What position should I pray in?
When should I pray?
In Isaiah 1:18 God says,”Come, Let us discuss this.”
While God knows what is in our heart of hearts – it is the impromptu passionate prayers we so often hear about being miraculously answered.
As the electrician in the joke said – “The closest I ever felt to God in prayer, was hanging by my leg upside down from a telephone pole.”
Thanks, Suzanne. It was because people can get so tangled up in the ‘how to, what and when’ aspects of prayer that I tried to share how simple it all can be.
I love the illustration you give here! Desperate times certainly call for desperate measures, and, sad to say, so often prayer is seen as a last rather than first resort ~ a case of ‘we’ve tried everything else so I guess we should pray about it now’.
Yet God encourages and welcomes us to come just as we are, no worry about performance or fear of rejection. Isn’t that reason to rejoice? 🙂