Wednesday’s Word – Wonder
“God invites us to look up, open our eyes to the wonder all around us, and seize every opportunity to encounter Him” (Wonderstruck, Margaret Feinberg). Tweet this.
Photo is courtesy of Jake Jakobsen.
Wonderstruck – what an excellent book. I am being inspired by Margaret’s words.
When a painter, photographer friend handed me his poem “Good Morning, Lord”, I couldn’t help but see that he had been moved to see the wonder all around us.
I give you the poem today to help you to see God’s wonder in all parts of your day.
Good Morning, Lord
Good morning, Lord.
I look at the sunrise and I see you there,
The sun behind the clouds, light shining through the air.
Above the mountain in all its glory,
I see You there; I hear Your words, Your story.
I look at the ground and you’re there, I know.
I see Your wonders in the trees, in the flowers that grow.
I look in my heart and I feel Your love,
Shining in me as the sun shines above.
Good morning, Lord.
I look at the sky and see You in the new day.
I know if I need You, You’re never far away.
I see You in the animals, the fish, and birds that fly.
It brings joy to my heart and a tear to my eye.
I feel Your touch, Lord; I feel it in the breeze
As it touches my face, as it sings through the trees.
Know me, Lord, and let me know You.
Show me, Lord, what I should do.
Good evening, Lord
I see You there in the picture painted by the setting sun;
Your light shining through the clouds when day is done;
The sky glowing pink and yellow, turning the clouds’ edges gold;
In the beauty You’ve created, Your story being told.
Wherever I turn, whatever is still to be,
It is there, Lord; it is there wherever I look.
Your words are written before me like the Words in Your Book.
Good evening, Lord
I see You there as the evening falls before night;
Through the darkness I see You; I still see Your light.
It shines in the moon and the stars high above.
It shines through the dark; it shines with Your love.
I feel Your Presence as though near me You stand.
I feel You near me like the touch of a hand.
I look through the night; I look for Your face,
And in the wonder of Your love, I’ve found my place.
Written by James Amodeo 2002
“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse” (Romans 1:20, NIV). (my emphasis)
What a beautiful poem! I love the idea of creating a post based on a word. I hate that you do this on Wednesday and I am doing What He’s Done Wednesday on that day (thanks for linking up btw) Can I start joining in on Thursdays? I want in on the fun!!
You can join in anytime. The more we spread His Word – the better. Link up and blessings to you.
Thank you for the kind words about the poem. You may have noticed that I said the poem not my poem. That is because the inpiration for the poem came from God. Now I give it out and hear that people enjoy it and some people that have problems have been been helped by it. It makes me feel that this is what God intended for the poem. Jim
What a beautiful post….photo and poem and verse. Thank you.
Thank you for the kind words about the poem. The Lord is all around us, it’s just a matter
realizing what we are seeing at times. I was going east on US Rt. 60, in Mesa, Arizona, one morning and the sun was coming up over the Superstition Mountains. There were clouds and sun rays shooting out through openings in the clouds, it was just beautiful. As I look at all that beauty I said “Good Morning Lord,” and I had my title and the poem just kept coming. In Arizona clouds aren’t something you see a lot. I was fortunate to be in the right place at the right time and that God opened my eyes.
How blessed we are to see God throughout our days. Beautiful photograph.
Thanks Pamela,
I will tell the photographer.
That’s true, God, His wonders, are there to see. There to see if we take time to look.
I love seeing God in the natural world around me. I also see him daily in faces around me, which are also his creation!
So do I and I am lucky to live in an area where He has created a natural world with so much beauty and variety.
Janice, beautiful photo! And I love the heartfelt prayer. So appreciate you!
Thank you for the kind comment about my poem. I have give the poem to people that have problems in their life. Some have said it brings tears to their eyes and most say it has helped them. It’s so comforting to know that it might be helping someone.
What a lovely poem and a good reminder to check in with God from the first moments throughout the day. Hope today is beautiful for you!
Thank you for the comment about the poem. God is with us throghout our days. To me everyday is beautiful. The sun, the rain, all the life we see around us has it’s place and is beautiful in it’s own way.