Into His Presence with a Question
by Mary Haskett

“Why, Why, Why? I cried out aloud, when I heard such horrid news about a friend, a friend who loved the Lord and extolled him in her writings and daily living. I have to confess I felt anger and disappointment with the God of my salvation and I cried. Why does my friend have to go through hours of suffering?”
1 Peter. Chapter 4:12 NIV, came to mind.
“Dear friends,” (In King James it reads ‘Beloved,’ which to me is more endearing and comforting, but in the NIV it continues,) “do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice.”
Now that’s a tall order. At that moment I couldn’t rejoice, only weep. This passage goes on to say,
“Rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, you are blessed, for the spirit of glory and of God rests on you…If you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.”
Although this address was to the early Christians who suffered persecution, we certainly can testify of Him when we suffer various types of trials, and for my friend it was a grievous physical suffering.
How did she face her situation? She trusted God showing a calm and gentle approach and in so doing glorified Jesus. And therein lies the crux of the matter. Do we glorify Him in all our trials? Do I?
Lord whatever our circumstance may we come humbly before you, not in frustration or disappointment, but in the knowledge that You do care and You will walk with us through the storm. For this we praise and thank you.
Mary Haskett
Mary is a writer and speaker. Since becoming a Christian she has served as Director of Women’s ministries, Singles Fellowship, counseling and prayer.
She is a member of The The Word Guild. and Inscribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship. Mary is the founder of Ready Writers, London
Her book Reverend Mother’s Daughter was a finalist in the 2008 Word Guild of Canada Awards and won an IPPY award in the states. Her second book Because We Prayed was released last year. She has had many articles published and has been a regular contributor to the community publication Christian Life in London. You can visit her on her website.