I visited my grandchildren the other day. As I watched them at play I saw the world as Jesus would have us live it – freely and with abandon. Spontaneity shone. Smiles were constant. Living in the moment was evident.
As we watched the animals in the zoo, I watched our grandchildren’s faces – intent, curious, thinking. As they played on the equipment at the playground I saw a full engagement, rampant joy.
Children excel in living – living to the full. That’s why Jesus wants us to be as little children.
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. (Mark 10:14 NIV)
These children had no worries, no cares of this world. They trust their parents to feed, clothe, bathe and look after them.
Can we live this life of ABANDON?
Oswald Chambers says:
“The Great word of Jesus to His disciples is abandon.”
Jesus says:
“Take no thought for your life” (Matthew 6:25 KJV).
Take no thought? You have to be kidding?
But no, Jesus says we can only serve one Master – and when we learn to look to Him FIRST, then there is no confusion. God can look after us. We can live fully under Him, with abandon.
Oswald says:
“If we have received the Spirit of God He will press through and say – Now where does God come in in this relationship, in this mapped out holiday, in these new books?”
Does God come FIRST in your life? Can you live a life of abandon? Can you be His child?
I am trying. I have now started each day with Him, in prayer, reading and study. He leads; I follow. Thanks be to God.
Readings today came from Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, (May 23)
One way I do “abandon” is in my painting. You can see a sneak peek of my watercolour on this page.
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