We welcome a new contributor today – Sandi Somers. Please give her a warm #UTCOP welcome.
Can God Answer Prayers in Traffic?
by Sandi Somers
I drove along Sarcee Trail in Calgary that winter morning, feeling the ice beneath my car. Knowing I had to merge into another busy street, I asked God to make my merge safe. And God did. Red traffic lights further back meant that I entered onto an almost empty street. I breathed thanks, knowing that once more God had provided for me.
The cold, unpredictable winter this year has created hazardous driving conditions. Highways and roads are icy. Blowing snow from sudden storms obscures vision. Rush hour traffic becomes snarled. Accidents are frequent, sometimes with tragic results. The implications for safety are immense.
At times like these I’m so aware that God knows my needs and orchestrates the traffic for my safety—and the safety of others along my route.
God cares about the merges in traffic, the merges in our lives. God cares for every detail of our lives.
Nothing is too small to ask God to care for us. Therefore we can tell him every detail of our needs.
The apostle Paul said it well:
“Don’t worry over anything whatever; tell God every detail of your needs… and the peace of God, which transcends human understanding, will keep constant guard over your hearts and minds as they rest in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7, Phillips).
God cares for every detail of our lives. (tweet this)
Nothing is too small to ask God to care for us. (tweet this)
Sandi Somers
Sandi is a former teacher and Instructor of English as a Second Language. She has lived in Colombia, South America, and has travelled widely. She now lives in Calgary, Alberta.
Her current passion is writing about faith, prayer and the writing life. Sandi also enjoys reading, quilting, gardening, walking and connecting with friends and her extended family. She belongs to the InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship and The Word Guild.
Thanks for your welcome, Janet. And yes, flowers make any day brighter!
Welcome to the UTCOP team, Sandi! And those yellow flowers in your author photo are so cheery on a winter’s day 🙂