Connect – Five Minute Fridays

Connect – Five Minute Fridays

Today’s word for Five Minute Fridays is CONNECT.


I read today from Psalm 145:18:

God’s there, listening for all who pray,
    for all who pray and mean it (The Message).

It is very important that we connect with God. We need that personal connection. We need to both speak and listen. (tweet this)


It hasn’t been easy to do this. The first time I heard about talking to God I didn’t know what to say. That’s when help came in the form of an acronym.



By using these words I can focus on what I am to say. For example:

Adoration: I can use a Psalm to read and then praise the Lord for being who He is.

Confession: I think over my past 24 hours. What changes might I have made if I had been truly in His Spirit.

Thanksgiving: I love this one. Thanking God for things that are happening. Seeing the world around me. Thinking about the food I eat, the clean water I drink, the clean bed I sleep in, the family that loves me. I could go on and on for this one.

Supplication: This is where I think of all those who need God’s help. I say their names. I say the problems and ask for God’s help in whatever they need.

That’s connection.
When I learn to connect with God I find peace and joy in each day. (tweet this)

But there’s more to connection that talking. There is also listening. This took me much longer to do this part and I still struggle with this part of connecting with God.

When I sat still for the first time and tried to listen to God it was difficult. But I persevered for 5 minutes. The next time became easier. But I still have interruptions, thoughts that wander and come in to my thinking that are not of the Lord. So I am working on this.Connect

It’s the first part of L.I.S.T.E.N. – Let God speak – that is the hardest for me. (tweet this)

What about you? How do you connect with God? What part do you have the most trouble with?

Joining for Five Minute Fridays – we write for five minutes – no editing.


Find out more about my award winning children’s books at my bookstore. A Growing with God series.






  1. How amazing that the Creator of the Universe would make a way for us to connect with him through prayer! I’m catching up now on posts by my FMF neighbors of the past few weeks, and I’m so glad I read this one today. Thank you!

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