Connect – Five Minute Fridays

Connect – Five Minute Fridays Today’s word for Five Minute Fridays is CONNECT. I read today from Psalm 145:18: God’s there, listening for all who pray,     for all who pray and mean it (The Message). It is very important that we connect with God. We need that personal connection. We need to both speak and… Continue reading Connect – Five Minute Fridays

Do Not Be Anxious – Word of God Speak Linkup

Do Not Be Anxious – Word of God Speak Linkup Today is the second week of prayer scriptures. This week I am looking at my favourite one and the first one I memorized. Philippians 4:6-7. Do not be anxious. That says it all. How can we not worry? How can we not be afraid in… Continue reading Do Not Be Anxious – Word of God Speak Linkup


How Do I Have a Conversation with God? by Janis Cox How do your conversations with God go? Mine have been weird lately. I had that “cluttered mind” that could not seem to focus on anything in particular. I said my routine prayers for my different groups (family, friends, writers’ groups). But something was missing.… Continue reading HOW DO I HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH GOD?


Forgetting to Pray by Jan Cox I talk about prayer; I teach about prayer; and then I forget to pray. Certainly it is a discipline that we can get better at – isn’t it? I tell others to remember to pray before they start any job and then I start writing this and forget to… Continue reading FORGETTING TO PRAY
