Heart Message Two

Heart Message Two

Last week I told you what had been on my heart since publishing The Kingdom of Thrim. This week I have written about another heart message.

Heart message

What’s on your heart? Does God give you heart messages? He certainly does talk to us. Last week I told you one heart message. This week is number 2.

Today I want to tell what has been on our hearts (my hubby and myself) for about 4 years. While in Arizona 4 years ago, my hubby read an article in the Arizona Republic newspaper about a charity that helped single moms get an education and become a contributor to society, as well as becoming healthy (mentally, physically and nutritionally), learning about money and studying basic parenting skills. It is called Helping Hands for Single Moms.

After much research we decided to approach CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) to get a charity license. With effort and patience we registered Haliburton Assistance for Single Parents, known as HASP. We established a Board and we began to seek clients. Unlike the program in Arizona, our charity’s focus helps single parents (not just moms).

But, progress was very slow. Much prayer and patience ensued. Then 2 years ago we had our first application. A young mom of 2 desperately needed assistance. She was attending a college in North Bay on line but was having trouble meeting payments  for her rent, her utilities and her food. She had also maxed out her credit card as well she owed money to others. Winter had arrived and she needed wood to fill the stove.

Since she joining HASP, she has finished her schooling with a diploma in Recreation Therapy, obtained a job and become very good at watching how she spends her dollars. She has paid off all debt except for her student loan and car which she is paying off now. She is saving for a house as well. We are extremely proud of her accomplishments.

heart message

I love how God gave us this heart message.

This fall we had our second client – a middle-aged man with kids who needed help to obtain a skilled trade license. He starts his program soon.

We are thrilled the way God has worked through our Board, helping each of us learn new skills, watching great accomplishments of our clients and praying for our next client.

Take delight in the Lord,
    and he will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4, NIV).

If you are interested in helping HASP, you can find our website here.  We are a registered Canadian charity. Donations can be made by mail or through Canada Helps. See the HASP website for more details.

What is HASP? How can you help? #myHaliburtonHighlands #charity. (tweet this)

Today is Word of God Speak.

How is God speaking to you this week? Join us.



  1. A wonderful ministry, Janis! I’m from AZ 🙂 How neat that God used your time here to plant the idea! I didn’t know you had a link-up as well ♥ I’ll have to join you as time permits! I always love making new friends! Thank you so much for joining me at #MomentsofHope and sharing the hope of a beautiful ministry!!!
    Blessings and smiles,

    1. Lori,
      That is wonderful that you live in AZ – whereabouts? And yes I think it is weird, wonderful and amazing how God works – He follows us. I have other ministries that I will be writing about. This week is about why I think church is something we need for our hearts too.
      i hope you link your posts as well.

  2. Janis, what a wonderful ministry to begin. This is such a tremendous opportunity to offer to single parents. Only recently did I learn about Helping Hands. May God bless you as you seek to help single parents. Have a blessed Sunday!

  3. Janis, what a remarkable ministry! Praise God that you listened to Him when He spoke, because most people would think “I can’t do that! That’s too big a project for me.” Or “I’m not qualified.” I’d be interested to know how you find the money to help these single parents. Is it solely through donations? If so, how can we help you get the word out?

    1. Thanks Laura,
      Yes listening and acting – two different things aren’t they. There is nothing too big for God. We are always asking what we can do. Yes it is supported through donations. Spreading the word would be great.

  4. Janis, what a great endeavor! Sometimes it seems single parents have the deck stacked against them, especially if they don’t have usable job skills. But we know that God can make a way! May God bless you and your husband as you allow God to use you to make a difference in the lives of these moms and dads. Thanks for hosting and hope you’re having a great fall so far.

    1. Thanks Donna,
      Yes, they do get pregnant very young (Most of them) before they have made any education plans. We have seen God in action and pray for others to come on board.

    1. The hardest part about it is to convince the young women that they can do it. And to leave abusive relationships. Prayer is most welcome. My life isn’t busy but it sure is full (when I want it to be).

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