SIMPLY SATURDAY – meets Five Minute Fridays – Deep Breath

Although I am posting on my Simply Saturdays, I am linking with Gypsy Mama’s Five Minute Fridays. I still take 5 minutes only to write.

The prompt this week: Deep Breath

Praying for clarity and meaning.

Deep Breath

I have had asthma since childhood. There were many nights as a young child that my parents called the doctor at 2am; he made a house call (yes, he did); gave me a shot of adrenalin and usually prescribed cortisone pills. When inhalers were first invented they were not the small, in your pocket, unobtrusive canisters of today – instead the machine was the size of a large tea-pot, liquid had to be poured in and a large bulb device needed to be squeezed to allow the person to inhale the medicine.

For many years my asthma triggered attacks and left me fearful. Fear only made the attacks worse.

After my reawakening to Christ 10 years ago my asthma virtually disappeared. I breathed free and easy for that time. What a blessing! But did I thank Him? – well maybe a little but certainly not enough.

Last year I had my first attack in a long long time. It paralyzed me. Not until this spring when I had another attack did I see the fear for what it was. I battled it with prayer. He answered. I thanked Him.

As I now take a clear breath, I realize He is breathing in me, as I thank Him for all He has done, I know – I really know He is God and whatever happens He is here with me.


That’s my 5 minutes.

Your turn.

Here is how you can join in. Go to Gypsy Mama and follow the rules.

Wanna just write? Without wondering if it’s just right or not. You’re welcome to play along. The rules are easy.

  1. Write your heart out for five minutes and show us what you’ve got.
  2. Tell your readers you’re linking up here and invite them to play along.
  3. And most importantly, go visit, read, and encourage the fellow five-minuter who linked up right before you.{I humbly beg you to turn off word verification for the day to make this easier!}

OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes for the prompt: Deep Breath.


Or leave a comment below.



  1. Fear, yeah. That one can take your breath away when you least expect it. 🙁

    Thanks for visiting last week, I’m so bad at visiting again. But yes, I do have a copy of 1,000 gifts, just don’t have much time to read lately. 🙂 I’m about 3 chapters in and I do enjoy her blog when I have time as well!

    1. Krista,
      It is hard to visit all the blogs that I like to read. But what a great community of believers – as we help each other. Take One Thousand Gifts as nibbles – reading it slowly is good. In our Bible study we do one chapter a week and since this is my third time through her book, I am beginning to really sense the Holy Spirit as He talks through Ann’s words. And having little ones does take the majority of your time. Love love this season of your life. Enjoy and live in each moment. Blessings,

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