What is Vital Communion?
by Joy Lenton
Prayer can be a continual conversation with God as our hearts turn toward Him for help, strength and guidance throughout the day.
Or there may be strict set apart times specifically for Bible reading and prayer as ACTS: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication or similar practices.
At other times we can sense an inner call to just simply come and be in His presence. No agenda. No particular purpose other than to love God and be aware that He loves us.
Those moments are to be treasured. They can be hard sought and fought for in a world that cries out for our constant attention.
Any time given to God is time enhanced beyond measure.
The poem below arose while I listened to God recently.
‘Vital Communion’
Make way for mellow moments
Give in to the Now
Yield to soul craving
and find it life-saving
Pause. Breathe. Give thanks.
The world can wait, you know full well
busyness will capture you soon enough
This is a time for listening
Wait upon Holy Spirit’s touch
Seek a better way than rushing
headlong straight into a new day
Be aware. Be present. Be here.
For this is where earth and heaven collide
This is where rest, joy and peace abide
Vital communion between you and Me
and the very best place for you to be
As we learn to discern and listen to God’s voice, the more He will speak to our minds and hearts.
Being a Christian is all about the wonder of being brought into relationship with God Himself, our heavenly Father who made and sustains us.
It is a gift of grace to see the Father’s face mirrored in Jesus and get to know Him for ourselves.
And when we come aside, make time, switch off noise and hurry, we find He has been waiting here all along with a heart heavy with love for us.
Maybe He’s whispering an invitation to you today; maybe He’s missing your company; maybe He’s longing to pour blessings out upon you?
Father, We are so easily distracted and impacted by the world around us and its multiple messages we heed, yet you desire us to pay more attention to your voice instead and spend quality time in your presence.
Help us to see our need of you. How vital it is to our spiritual and physical health and strength to be refreshed, restored and renewed by your Spirit.
Speak to us in ways we cannot miss. Encourage us to lay aside all that hinders and prevents us from reaching out to you and receiving all that you long to give us.
Any time given to God is time enhanced beyond measure. (Tweet this)
Joy Lenton
Joy is a grace-dweller and storyteller who weaves words out of the fabric of her days. Her desire is to seek the poetic in the prosaic and look for the eternal in the temporal.
As an M.E and chronic illness sufferer, who is also recovering from a painful past, she writes with a heart for the hurting and to support and encourage others who are struggling with life and faith issues.
She is a member of the Association of Christian Writers and Fellowship of Christian bloggers.
You can connect with her at her blogs, ‘Words of Joy’ or ‘Poetry Joy’, and on Twitter, Facebook, Google + or Pinterest.

I really enjoyed the poem! Thank you for sharing.
Hi Melanie. I’m pleased you enjoyed the poem! Thank you for stopping by to read and offer encouragement. God bless you 🙂
Thank you for appreciating this meditation and poem. I’m so glad it spoke to you. 🙂
A helpful meditation, Jan, and a lovely, thoughtful poem from Joy Lenton. ~~+~~