Why Don’t We Ask For Prayer?
by Brenda Wood
My friend Jean recently lost her husband and when we ask how she is doing, she exclaims…”I am fine! I am just fine.”
Well, I’ve lost my husband and I know that the truth is that she is not fine.
She is one of those strong, silent types who keeps everything to herself. Her heart is aching but she puts on a brave face and lies to all her friends. What is she thinking?
On the other hand, Bessie, another friend, bores us to tears as she shares every minute of her life demanding that we pray for her. Do we share our every thought with the world?
Isn’t there a middle ground? Are we the type who keeps the necessary quiet, but willingly asks for prayer from trustworthy friends?
Lately it seemed that I am constantly contacting faithful prayer partners to ask for their support. I began to feel guilty for asking so often. Who was I to demand so much time and attention?
Then someone drew my attention to biblical reminders to pray without ceasing. (See Acts 12:5, Romans 1:9 and 1 Thessalonians 5:17.)
Of course there are some things that we might wish to keep to ourselves, but prayer needs are definitely not one of them.
“When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.” (Matthew 18:19-20, MSG)
So Lord, here we are today, all of us gathered together in prayer, trusting you are acting on our behalf. For Christ, who always acts with us in mind. Amen.
Brenda J. Wood
A popular motivational speaker, Brenda, of Barrie, Ontario is known for her common sense wisdom, sense of humour and quirky comments. Brenda especially enjoys speaking at women’s retreats and conferences, community events, Mops, World Day of Prayer, and Stonecroft Ministries.
A prolific author, her current books include:
The Big Red Chair: a children’s book dealing with the loss of a grandparent.
Meeting Myself: Snippets from a Fractured Mind: the author’s recovery from abuse and eating disorders.
Hearts Under Construction: A motivational cookbook designed to feed both body and soul
Heartfelt: 366 Devotions for Common Sense Living.
God, Gluttony and You: a Bible Study dealing with our relationship to food.
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facebook – www.facebook.com/brendawoodspeaker
My experience with people praying has been good and has been bad. people say they will pray for me and they actually don’t and then there are others that God has put in my life as prayer partners. but sometimes people say there fine because they really don’t think your goanna pray for them or they don’t want to be a burden. if you want prayer check out my blog it was made specifically for prayers I would love to pray for you any time