Leave Your Calling Card – A Guest Post

by Brenda Leyland  (reprinted with permission)

A SHORT TIME ago a fellow blogging friend emailed to tell me that I was the answer to a prayer she’d prayed that very morning!

Interesting thing about it all, I thought I was just ‘minding my own business’. I had no idea that I’d stumbled into the stream of someone’s earnest desire and request to God. All I was aware was that, in the culture and manner of Blogland, I’d come across her link in someone else’s comment box, and thought, Mmmm, I haven’t been to see Sulo in such a long time, a visit is long overdue.  

So I popped over there… to see what she’s been sharing and find out what she’s been up to. Knowing from my own experience just how important it is to find a ‘calling card’ in one’s comment box, I took the time to read more closely so I could share a comment or two on the ones that particularly spoke to me.

Lo and behold, within a short time, I found an e-mail reply back from my friend saying that I couldn’t have any idea what my comments meant to her that day. For that very morning, as she got up from bed, she asked the Lord to have someone leave a comment so that she could know for sure somebody out there was reading her postings.

And, when she clicked on her computer there in her inbox was an email indicating that someone had, indeed, been to visit and left comments. As Sulo put it:

 “What did I see… your e-mail with the comments — an answer to my prayer as a confirmation. What more proof do we need to believe God hears our prayers? Aren’t we so blessed to have such an awesome God who cares about even minute things like page-viewing!”

I’m humbled… and so honoured to have been a part of the Lord’s answer to Sulo’s heart cry. To have heeded the little nudge that I could so easily have postponed or ignored, in my view that is a glimpse of heaven in a most unexpected place…for me and for her…maybe for you too!






  1. Thanks for sharing. It’s always nice to hear of someone responding to the gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit. I loved your devotional.

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