Can I Joy Dare You? – Week 9
As I continue to count the gifts I feel like I have been on a scavenger hunt seeking new things. A wonderful week searching and looking. Thanks so much to Ann Voskamp for leading this journey.
I will be adding a LINK today for those of you who would like to put in your lists of gifts. No matter whether you are doing the specific Joy Dare or listing your gifts – please join me this week. And let’s praise God for all the wonders He is showing us.
February 25 ~ 3 gifts worn out, new and made-do
- old socks that Snowball loves to use as toys; but she also loves any socks so we have to make sure we put all socks away from her keen sense of “sockiness”
- daffodils in the desert; such a beautiful sight. I had to go and check if they were real or plastic
- I couldn’t find the journals I like but found one that would work okay
February 26 ~ 3 gifts seen as reflections
I couldn’t stop seeing reflections after reading this clue
February 27 ~ 3 ugly-beautiful gifts
This one had me stumped. I had to pray for wisdom and vision.
- Michael Bull Roberts – a gangster turned Christ follower – I don’t even see him as ugly now because of his beautiful heart, soul and spirit. God is using him mightily for the Kingdom.
Here is a website about Michael. The writer states: “A man covered in tattoos from head to toe, 300 pounds and one of the scariest looking guys I’ve ever seen turned to be the most caring person I’ve ever met.”
His Facebook page: Michael Bull Roberts
- art – looking at different pieces of art – beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. What I see as an ugly painting or not my best – others rave about. I can’t figure it out. Here is a kingfisher – the whole batik process didn’t go the way it was supposed to – I had running ink from a non-permanent pen, it got messy but lots of people love this painting. Go figure.
- an ugly little caterpillar – this is my favourite – how an ugly little caterpillar which crawls on the ground, feels creepy when I hold it – can become a beautiful butterfly who can soar high up in the skies
February 28 ~ 3 gifts of the past that help you trust the future
- the healing of my back, jaw, neck, knees and my soul – thanks be to God
- my hubby standing steadfastly beside me through the years – through highs and lows
- the people that I have met who have a strong faith and whom God brings into my life all the time
March 1 ~ 3 gifts at 3 pm
- a lovely walk around our lake
- there was a school of fish that congregated at the bridge. We couldn’t figure out how they didn’t slip over the bridge. As we watched a number of them came close to doing that. And why were they all there? But I forgot my camera – you will have to visualize them there – and I will take another shot another day.
- it is getting warmer here in Arizona and the sun’s warmth is beautiful
March 2 ~ 3 gifts green
Everywhere I go here in Arizona I see green. And what has been brown is turning green.
March 3 ~ 3 gifts wore
I thought about this one for a long time.
The garments made by man – wear out.
But the garments that God gives us don’t wear out. Tweet this.
- a belt of truth (Ephesians 6:14)
- a garment of praise (Psalm 61:3)
- a garment of salvation (Isaiah 61:10)
Would love to hear your comments. And please feel free to either put your gifts in the comments or add your link.
I link to other sites – please check the sidebar to find more Linky Parties.

I love these little glimpses of your art and yes, I love the Kingfisher! Lovely, gifts, Janis.
Love all your blessings. Reminded me to count my own!