Can I Please See Clearly, Lord?
I wrote in my journal specific prayers for me. My first one read:
1. To see clearly what You want me to do.
As I read my morning devotionals that morning it became very clear that God would not answer my first request the way I thought. But He did answer it, His way.
Here is what I found out:
You don’t know what you are going to do. The only thing you know is that God knows what He is doing (Oswald Chambers, January 2).
It is not for me to know. As I read Oswald Chambers that morning I realized that if I place my trust in Jesus I need not know the answer to that question, “May I see clearly?”
By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going (Hebrews 11:8, NIV). Emphasis is mine.
Each day I need only to pray and then to “go out” trusting God will be with me.
Wherever I go and whatever I do.
Each morning as you wake, there is an opportunity to “go out” building your confidence in God (Oswald Chambers, January 2).
Here is a video by Chris Tomlin – I Will Follow
And as I am reading Not a Fan, by Kyle Idelman I know these truths:
If I am to be a follower of Jesus, I will follow NOT lead. (tweet this)
If I am to be a follower of Jesus, I will remember that I am a slave of Jesus and He is the Master. (tweet this)
Thank You for answering my request, not as I expected, but You did answer it. I don’t need to see clearly. I need only to follow You, Jesus. In Your Name, I pray. AMEN.
Janis Cox
Janis is a creativity catalyst with a heart to connect people to God. She specializes in creating art based on Scripture so that the Truth penetrates hearts and not just minds.The world needs more pictures, art and colour.
God speaks through our creativity. We connect deeply with God through creativity because it is play. Our doubts fall away. We become like the little children Jesus invited to Himself. Janis helps people play, connect to God and connect to each other. Honest simple reminders to remain rooted in Him.
Janis is the author of the award-winning children’s books, Tadeo Turtle, and The Kingdom of Thrim. She is the author and watercolour illustrator. She is a member of The Word Guild andInscribe Writers Fellowship. Visit her bookstore.
Sign up for a Free Bible Art Course.

An interesting conclusion to your question. However, I think The Lord wants us to see clearly His will in spiritual matters–to know his will and follow it. See Matthew 13:15
Seeing clearly what He wanted me to do – was not what He wanted. He will show me each minute of the day what He needs me to do – but I won’t see the whole picture, or what comes next until He reveals it. Seeing His will – yes but each case is different and sometimes we need to wait to see if it is God or emotions. I read that in Oswald too – that our emotions can cloud our spiritual insight.
I so desire that clarity you’re talking about, too. But, yes, what He’s made clear to me is that I need only know where to put my foot down in next step that I’m taking right now. Like Abraham. Good reminder I’ll probably need always in this life!
I like things cut and dried – I am agenda driven. But God isn’t. I realize that now. Yes – one step at a time – not the whole picture, right on.
I always say God never works the way I think He should 🙂 It is amazing that our God can be so dependable yet seem so elusive at the same time. I am reminded of the scripture,
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9
But I am also reminded,
Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6
Just visiting from Faith Filled Friday Blog Hop
Blessings to you,
Thanks Kalonda,
Yes, I realized after I asked the question, that probably wasn’t something I should ask. But He answered me anyway. I like that.
Thanks so much for stopping by Holy MatriMommy! I apologize for your difficulties with the comment but I think I have the problem fixed.
As a side note, I don’t think there was anything wrong with your question. Our Father wants us to bring all our concerns to Him 🙂
No there is nothing wrong with the question – but I loved how He answered it right away.
Janis. Hope to see you again.
Oh, how many times I have received this reminder. Trust. Thank you for this encouraging post, Janis!! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3
Thanks Shelly,
2012 was the Year of Trust. I knew it then – I just forgot.
Thank you for sharing what God revealed to you. It reminds me of being a sheep. We don’t really know what we are doing or where we are going, but the Shepard does. Thanks again!
Thank you for commenting. Yes if we can remember to be sheep and not the Shepherd it will be well with my soul.
His way is always the best way, isn’t it. Love this encouragement.
Thanks Susan,
I needed a knock on the head and thank the Lord, He answered me – in a way I didn’t expect.