This will be the end of my last week in Poland with International Messengers. I fly home next Tuesday.
For the past two weeks I have been showing you how Satan can steal our time and relationship with Jesus. First What are you Tin Gods? Next How Busy are You?
This week:
How Else Can Satan Distract Us?
by Jan Cox
We have seen the ways that Satan tries to keep us away from God – in the past two weeks I have been posting a letter called Satan’s Meeting. This is the last part of that letter today.
Can Satan Distract Your Children from knowing God?
Satan continues to talk to his helpers. He discusses ways to keep our children from knowing the true God and Jesus.
“Give them Santa Claus to distract them from teaching their children the real meaning of Christmas. Give them an Easter bunny so they won’t talk about His resurrection and power over sin and death.”
Then he discusses what children do in their “free” time. Can they relax and talk to God?
“Even in their recreation, let them be excessive. Have them return from their recreation exhausted. Keep them too busy to go out in nature and reflect on God’s creation. Send them to amusement parks, sporting events, plays, concerts, and movies instead.”
Do your Children have time to Relax and Talk to God?
Satan wants them to have no TIME to seek God.
He says: “Keep them busy, busy, busy!”
What is Distracting you and your Children from God?
Then he asks us about our church and our church talk. This is a serious question. Are we concerned for one another or do we have ulterior motives?
Satan really hits us hard here.
He says, “And when they meet for spiritual fellowship, involve them in gossip and small talk so that they leave with troubled consciences.”
Do we actually know Our Church Sisters and Brothers? Do we care for them?
“Crowd their lives with so many good causes they have no time to seek power from Jesus. Soon they will be working in their own strength, sacrificing their health andfamily for the good of the cause.”
And what do we Do at Church? Really?
And then Satan ends with:
It will work! It will work!
Can we stop him? Can we put blinders on and ignore all that Satan has to distract us? Can we find the time to connect with our God?
Father, we want to know you more. We realize that Satan is up to no good. He wants to distract us from a relationship with You. Help us we pray. In Jesus’ name. AMEN
What do you think?
We would love to hear from you?
I will be back next week with a long list of my blessings – Counting my blessings.
Jan Cox
Jan, a former school teacher and small business owner, found a new passion in writing in her retirement. She has published two devotionals and a number of articles for magazines and a Bible study. She is owner of Under the Cover of Prayer and moderates the site. She also writes at A Better Way. Jan has completed a children’s book called Tadeo Turtle. She is the watercolour illustrator. Word Alive will be publishing this story and it will be available later this summer. See more about Tadeo at Jan’s Website.
One distraction from knowing the real God is the music we are hearing in some “Christian” churches. The music is little more than taking rock music and adding “Jesus words.” God invented music, and he has a certain order for melody, rhythm, etc. Satan, by simply turning the list upside down that God established for acceptable music, he can make the Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) that especially young people are liking into an instrument to distract us from knowing the real God. A simple song such as “Jesus Loves Me, This I know” can be made to sound sinister if the emphasis is placed on the second beat when sung in a 4-beat mode. Our enemy is very clever, but as he brings more darkness into this world, the Lord is shedding more clear light (truth) to dispel Satan’s darkness. We must guard our senses of touch, smell, taste, hearing, and seeing, for they are the avenues to our soul. Satan will find ways to distract us with things that tickle our senses, even if it is considered “Christian.” Study God’s word to discover how He, our Creator, wishes us to worship Him. Too many people follow after what they are spoon fed and what “feels good.” Music, as it deviates from God’s established order, can set off sexual hormones into the minds of our youth and even the older folk; and people come to like the music, not because it glorifies Christ, but because it makes them feel good. Jesus will return soon and we must walk soberly each day and watch and pray so that we not be caught up in Satan’s traps. God bless your ministry!
Very interesting words Dwight. Our sermon this week was true worship through the Spirit. And if we listen to the words in the songs we sing – are they Scriptural, are they worshipful? I agree that some songs are “light”. But worrying about them because they have a rock sound – I disagree. Some of our most famous hymns came from drinking songs. We do have to know our Lord – and worship Him fully. But some of the “rock” songs I think have fabulous words of worship.
Thanks for finding us and commenting,
Hello Jan, thank you very much for your insights today also to all of the people who seek God. This caught my attention the most out of all the articles but they are all very well organized and meaningful ,praise God! I was speaking to my neighbor today who upstairs from m actually and He had mentioned some things to me about the world and Satan that really at the time kind of made me angry at him but know that I think back on it and after reading this blog I see more clearly about what he meant. I love the insight of all of you people here and really Thank God for putting all of you here to get this kind of insight you learn something new everyday with the Lord and people he has sent to get the message right.God Bless you all in Jesus precious name, Amen!
Thank you very much for your comments. It is very encouraging to find out we can touch hearts of people we don’t know but who know Christ. That is awesome, isn’t it? Focusing every minute on God can help us find the narrow path – one with truth, integrity and forgiveness.
I wil pass your message on to the Contributors as an encouragement to them.
Just returned from mission trip to Poland last night.
Over stimulation by any means is not good for our children. Hopefully we look at our children’s experiences – are they good ones?
Hi Jan!
Looking forward to hearing more about your trip soon.
Regarding your post and kids. Having worked with children and families for several years, I’m amazed at how easy it is for a family to get caught up in entertaining and keeping their children busy…all with good intentions.. Kids were too busy or too tired to memorize a single Bible verse for the whole month…let alone one a week. It breaks my heart to see what has really been sacrificed. Families need our fervent prayer.