Pictures Can you see them in Scripture? – Hope Stream Radio Podcast
I see the Bible as pictures more and more. Because I have been making colouring pages and painting in my Bible, scripture is coming alive. I’m able to memorize passages.
On Hope Stream Radio yesterday I talked about this. You can see the show notes below or listen to the podcast How I see Pictures in Scriptures.
Here are the show notes:
Hope Stream Radio How I See Pictures in Scripture.
The three scriptures we reviewed last week on Word of God Speak were 2 Corinthians 4:17-18; Isaiah 40:8; Hebrews 1:10-12.
All three point to eternity with God. They remind us how temporary our lives are here in this world.
Being an artist I see pictures in scriptures. (Tweet this)
Listen to this one:
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
I see light and momentary troubles as balloons. (click to tweet)
They will be gong – either float away, deflate or be punctured.
As I picture what I see as troubles I put them in balloons, I can release them – and watch them go. If they are worries I can stab the balloons with a pin.
Peace comes when I can see all earthly things as temporary. (click to tweet)
To fix my eyes on the unseen – on Jesus – helps me to remain in this peace even when the seen feels powerful and unyielding. The peace of Jesus can overpower the troubles.
Isaiah 40:8 talks about how grass withers and flower fall. I can picture the seasons – the grass withering in winter, and the flowers falling. But I also know that spring comes next and with it new life. I see this and I know it. And the new life will in me and it will never end when I trust in Jesus.
Hebrews 1:10-12 talks about creation. But it says that all that all will perish but God will remain and His years will never end.
I see creation as formed by God. I see God’s work. But I know that this will change too. God will always be the same but He will wrap creation up like a robe and then bring forth a new creation, like He did with me. God will remain the same but He will change you and me.
Where do you need to change? Ask the Lord to show you.
I have loved reviewing these passages and painting pictures and making colouring pages to help me memorize God’s Word. Join me on Facebook Called Word of God Speak Community.
May I pray for you and me?
Lord, we know we need to change in order to be more like You. In each of the areas we need change, please show us so we can work and pray to make ourselves have a closer connection to You. Thank You for being unchangeable. You are our Rock. We are eternally grateful. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Until next time, bask in the thought of God’s promises, and how His Word will never change and never fail us. Be in the Word.
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I’d be interested to see your rendering of the image around Hebrews 6:19. I tried to capture it in words with my post today — the anchor and the veil. Such an unusual configuration of images to capture our great salvation! Your artistic brain fascinates me!
I will try to take time to look at that scripture. Thanks for the “artistic brain” – that makes me smile.