Stretching I have had back problems in my past and I have learned that stretching is very good to keep those back muscles strong. The same goes for my mind. As I age I want to make sure that I keep as sharp as possible. To that end I try many tactics. I have learned… Continue reading STRETCHING
Tag: dendrites
Simply Saturday – Forgetting I know I am getting older but I don’t think that is the reason I am forgetting things. I think that once again I have taken on too much. I thought it wasn’t going to be too much when I signed on – but then other things came along to fill… Continue reading SIMPLY SATURDAY – Forgetting
Stretching I took a step again out of my comfort zone. I have written my first blog post for Inscribe. It is different blogging for your own blog than it is writing for someone else’s blog. More tension. But God gave me wonderful inspiration and I thank Him. Please check out my post at Inscribe.… Continue reading BLOG AT INSCRIBE