Sunday Stillness – By wisdom a house is built

Sunday Stillness – By wisdom a house is built For the past month I have been reading a Proverbs a day with an online Facebook group. This exercise proved to be a great discipline. Reading through each Proverb I would see where God led me. On day 24 I read this verse. By wisdom a… Continue reading Sunday Stillness – By wisdom a house is built


Sidelined but Back on Track by Jan Cox Last Friday I wrote about my husband’s car accident and how he was t-boned at an intersection. This definitely set our lives on a slightly different course for a while. Our time has been spent in hospitals, giving medications, resting and much paper work. Regular routines have… Continue reading SIDELINED BUT BACK ON TRACK


Simply Saturday – Discipline Once again I am giving myself five minutes – five minutes only to write something on a topic. Today I have decided to write about discipline. I guess there are two ways to live – with free spirit or disciplined. Or somewhere in the middle. I tend to the disciplined manner.… Continue reading SIMPLY SATURDAY – Discipline


Acquiring the Art of Contemplation by  Judith Lawrence Contemplation has been spoken of as art. The person who prays as a contemplative does not speak in words so much as in intuition; she is a soul who is like an artist or a poet, a soul who yearns to be with God in wonder and… Continue reading ACQUIRING THE ART OF CONTEMPLATION
