How Can God Expand Time
Someone asked me if I could do something. I had to say, “I’m sorry at the moment I have no time”. I even said that I wished God would give me another 24 hours in a day. But you know what, He answered me and showed me how to not be concerned with time.

We are continuing with week three of a Lenten study using The SIMPLE Method of Bible Study.
S – Say the passage out loud. Check other versions.
Today’s study is based on Mark 11:27-33
They arrived again in Jerusalem, and while Jesus was walking in the temple courts, the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders came to him. “By what authority are you doing these things?” they asked. “And who gave you authority to do this?”
Jesus replied, “I will ask you one question. Answer me, and I will tell you by what authority I am doing these things. John’s baptism—was it from heaven, or of human origin? Tell me!”
They discussed it among themselves and said, “If we say, ‘From heaven,’ he will ask, ‘Then why didn’t you believe him?’ But if we say, ‘Of human origin’ …” (They feared the people, for everyone held that John really was a prophet.)
So they answered Jesus, “We don’t know.”
Jesus said, “Neither will I tell you by what authority I am doing these things.”
I – Interpret the passage – check footnotes, references, and commentaries. Find out all you can about the passage. When? Where? Why?
Jesus had just cleansed and cursed the temple. The religious leaders wanted to destroy Him. This is the first of 5 controversies in the temple. Tension is building on the way to the cross.
The temple courts were courts that surrounded the main temple buildings. There was the court of women, court of men (Israelite) and court of Gentiles.
What authority? Priest wanted to know why Jesus could perform an official act when He had no status.
“Heaven” was a common word for “God”.
M – Make list of thoughts, questions and ideas.
Those who called themselves “religious” should have understood Who Jesus was. But they didn’t. They were blinded by obstacles. I was too – See my faith testimony.
Submission to Authority:
The priests had become powerful. They had money and position. They saw Jesus as a threat to that. They reject His authority (28) – See Mark 1:22, Mark 1:27, Mark 2-10-11.
Who is our authority? Is it science, the world, the media, other people, ourselves?
Check out the Evidence:
I read A Case for Christ by Lee Stobel and books by CS Lewis, Max Lucado and of course The Bible to help me answer the question Who is this Jesus?
It’s a great question that Jesus posed. The evidence is seen in Malachi 3:1, Isaiah 40:3 and by John the Baptist.
But even with all this evidence the priests could not get over themselves and the possibility of losing control.
Fear God rather than man:
Fear of man is a common problem (See Proverbs 29:25). The leading Jewish authorities were afraid of the people. So they waffled and said, “We don’t know”. They wanted to stay safe and comfortable and keep the status quo.
P – Pray – after all your thoughts are expended – take time to talk to God and then to LISTEN to Him.
L – Life Application – Write down what you heard God speak (It might be entirely different than your thoughts – that’s okay)
I think it is amazing how God works. This is the passage suggested in the study I am following. And last Sunday it is the text that the sermon was based on. Our pastor, Rick Thiemke, if Via Church in Mesa, Arizona, explained the passage very well and many of my thoughts came from that sermon. I love this quote.
Science is a great description of what God already knows. (click to tweet)
Remember the burning question I had this week: How can I get more time?
I am learning to never say never. God is the God of the impossible. Being God-led means submitting to His authority. I was reminded of two old acronyms and one new one.
And my new one – TIME
T – Thankful: Be thankful for each moment of the day.
I – Interest: Show interest and understanding and watchfulness for events around you.
M – More: God gives us more than we need. He expands time, energy and vision.
E – Expansion: Our world expands when God is in control. I pray to expand my territory for God.
How do you see TIME? God’s version is different than ours.
Submit to His authority and see TIME expand. (click to Tweet)
The scripture to study for this week will be Colossians 1:17 because I think it encapsulates all the ideas of TIME.
He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.
E – Exit the study with a written prayer of confirmation, forgiveness, praise or acceptance.
Oh Father, once again You amaze me of how You put things together – this day, this week, this year. The sermon, this Lenten study, Your words through prayer. You tie is all together. You hold everything together. You even expand time. Thank You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Are you frustrated with your spiritual life?
Do you want to meet Jesus and talk to Him?
Do you need friends to pray and study with together in a safe place?
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1. Grow Through God’s Word is a unique Facebook Group — a safe place to dig deeper and be inspired through God’s Word.

2. Would you like to excite your study of the Bible — Join me for a free Bible Art Course — Sign up now.
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I love your helpful acronyms!
Thanks Elizabeth,
God keeps giving me them – and I keep writing them down. 🙂
Happy Sunday! I love the time acronym. I’m right there with you in wishing that there were more hours in each day. Thank you for the reminder to be grateful for what we have, and to use it wisely. Truly, what God has given me is enough. I do however, need to keep learning to be a better steward of it 🙂 Wishing you a blessed week!
Right on. I love that – a steward of our time. Let’s pray we can work towards that – focusing on Jesus Who knows all about us and how He can help us do that.
I always pray Lord, redeem the time. Meaning expand or grow it, but the idea of him expanding my vision about time is new to me. He gives us more than we need. Amen. Thanks for this Janis.
Thank you. Seeing TIME as something we can live towards using my acronym gives us the way to relax and enjoy God in every minute.
It’s true that time does seem to expand when we follow God’s leading rather than our own agenda. It’s amazing how much we are able to accomplish when we don’t worry, but trust Him as we go about our days.
Relying totally on Him, not getting stressed but working in His schedule – I always get more done.
Blessings on a great week for you,
Thanks for sharing these inspirational words and for hosting, Janis! Hope you have a wonderful weekend 🙂
You are most welcome. Looking forward to getting to know you better. I will be dropping over to Social Butterfly Sunday in a few minutes.
Oh Jan I love this! TIME Lord. May I be on Your agenda.
Thank you so much. I am finding the less I think about what I have to do and just do it as I can – the more time God is giving me. Never stress – just do it.
I have always thought of Colossians 1:17 in terms of matter (molecules and galaxies), but I am seeing from your post today that time is part of what He holds together, and I’m so thankful for that reminder. We may be fragmented, but He holds it all together for us!
Blessed weekend to you, Janis!
Yes we are fragmented – sometime more than others. lol:) But thankfully God isn’t – He has got it all together!