Wednesday’s Word – Grace
Great sermon on Sunday. Here is my take-away:
Jesus was and is GRACE. Jesus was and is TRUTH.
Can we even come close? I fall far short of both.
But the biggest take-away from Sunday is this:
Truth cannot be seen until grace is shown. Tweet this.
How many times do we speak and hear God’s truth NOT given in grace? All truth cannot be stated outright to everyone at one sitting. It is too much to take in.
Our pastor gave the analogy of salt (actually he likes pepper) . If we put too much on we will spoil the dinner. Don’t overdo or plunge into the TRUTH until you have shown the GRACE of Christ.
Nothing can be added or taken away from Jesus.
He does hold everything together. (Colossians 1:17) Tweet this.
Can we approach everyone with a “grace-filled” attitude? Everyone? Even the ones we disagree with? The ones we know have strayed from the truth? Or do we push them further away from God by our un-graceful attitude or judgment?
Sober words. I had to think. Am I always “grace-filled”? No
Am I more aware of trying to be “grace-filled”? Yes
How grace-filled are you? Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.
Today is Wednesday’s Word LINKUP.
If you have something you have learned from God, please share in the link below. If you are here for the first time please check out the Rules for Linking. Remember to leave a comment to at least the person ahead of you. We ALL need encouragement as we write for Him.
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Thank you for visiting, I just linked a couple of posts, hope you enjoy them, have a great weekend!
Sweet posts – grace to you my friend,
Thoughts to ponder as we rest in His amazing grace. Thank you.
Thanks for commenting. Yes – .mmmm grace. love it.
Thanks for visiting me, Janis. You’re an illustrator — and artist!! Wow, how neat.
Love your thoughts on grace today…
So glad to see you here. Grateful how God leads me to different people and spreads His Word, one at a time.
Praise God for His saving grace! May it flow through us to others! Thanks for the great post & for hosting, & God bless!
Thanks for the encouragement. Trying to write it from when I heard it – lots of thought and prayer went into this. I am happy that it made a good statement.
I agree with Joan, the more I think about that I agree with it. I never thought of it like that before. Grace is such a wonderful gift. Thanks for hosting this hop, it is my first time here and I have enjoyed myself.
Peace & Blessings,
I am so glad to meet you and happy that you have enjoyed your time here. I hope you come back again and again.
Blessings to you,
“Truth cannot be seen until grace is shown.” The more I think about that the more I like it! I think that even if we are speaking the truth to someone, that person won’t “hear” it if it isn’t given through grace. Without grace, tempers flare and defensiveness is up. But, with grace, the truth is accepted (even if it isn’t liked! lol)
Thanks for the though provoking post!
Blessings, Joan
The sermon was excellent and I should probably find the podcast to upload to the site. The Pastor made it so clear that we are turning away people from knowing Christ by lambasting them with “Truth”. We can’t do that. Only God can open up the truth to them. We are to be Christ in love to all and wait for openings to speak the truth in love.