What Have I been Writing on Medium?

I am joining the 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes. Join me.  I am writing in a blogging platform called Medium. Visit me.   This has become an annual tradition inspired by the Write 31 Days challenge, which takes place every October. For Write… fiveminutefriday.com Here are my first five posts written in Medium.… Continue reading What Have I been Writing on Medium?

Why Did Jesus’ Life Go From Adulation to Execution?

Why we need to be transported back to the first century to find the real story of Easter I’m joining Five Minute Friday today with the word prompt “why?” “Why?” I think this is the most asked question in our lives. From the everyday: Why can’t you remember? To the deep: Why: Isn’t there peace?… Continue reading Why Did Jesus’ Life Go From Adulation to Execution?


What Can I Pray For? by T. L. Wiens I recently ran into the idea that we must only pray for what we need. Although I don’t agree, it did get me thinking about what should be the nature of our prayer requests. David prayed for many things in the Psalms― safety, forgiveness and, at times,… Continue reading WHAT CAN I PRAY FOR?


How do I know that God wants to hear my prayers? (Part 2) by Janis Cox Last week I talked about the reason I feel that God does hear our prayers. That reason was God’s POWER. He CAN. Today I want to talk about why he wants to hear our prayers. I think that He… Continue reading GOD WANTS TO HEAR MY PRAYERS
