How Can We Live our Lives and Be True to God?

How Can We Live our Lives and Be True to God? by T. L. Wiens   I was approached by a young man who was in great distress. He’d prayed and prayed for a friend but nothing changed. I asked a few questions and soon had a more complete picture of the situation. He was… Continue reading How Can We Live our Lives and Be True to God?

Do You Doubt the Power of Prayer?

Do You Doubt the Power of Prayer? by T.L. Wiens It’s strange. After all this time of waiting for that one phone call that I didn’t want to receive, today I don’t wait. It’s not because my brother has passed but been healed.


What Can I Pray For? by T. L. Wiens I recently ran into the idea that we must only pray for what we need. Although I don’t agree, it did get me thinking about what should be the nature of our prayer requests. David prayed for many things in the Psalms― safety, forgiveness and, at times,… Continue reading WHAT CAN I PRAY FOR?


Blown Away by T. L. Wiens It’s 9 pm, March 20, 2013. I look out the window towards the south and see strange rolling clouds on the horizon. A shiver runs through me and I begin to pray for protection. Moments later, the phone rings. My husband is trapped on a road and has been… Continue reading BLOWN AWAY
