There is power in prayer. If you are not already praying for someone specific, I challenge you to seek out a partner. A post by Kimberley Payne.
Tag: Kimberley Payne
What Prayer is to Me by Kimberley Payne When I was a child, my dad led each dinner meal with the “Our Father “. The rest of the family would listen to the first half of the prayer and then join in for the second half. At bedtime, my mom would tuck me in, give… Continue reading WHAT PRAYER IS TO ME
Spiritually Fit? by Janis Cox Kimberley Payne, from Fit for Faith, always has a focus on fitness. She reminds us to eat properly, get the right amount of exercise and take time with God. Yes, taking time with God is spiritual fitness and should be at the top of our list. When we start our… Continue reading SPIRITUALLY FIT?
Thorn in my Side by Kimberley Payne I have a certain person in my life who causes me grief on a regular basis. It seems in order for his day to be complete he must have conflict. If there is not conflict, then he creates it. And I seem to be his favourite target. (No,… Continue reading THORN IN MY SIDE
Complaining by Kimberley Payne God hates complaining. In the Old Testament, God had rescued the Israelites from 400 years of slavery in Egypt. They had a miraculous escape through the Red Sea and were on their way to the Promised Land. Yet only two of the original group actually arrived at the final destination. The… Continue reading COMPLAINING
Covered by Kimberley Payne Looking back, I recall the many times that I had done stupid things, yet somehow I didn’t get hurt. Specifically, I remember my university days as being full of stupidity. For instance, one cold November evening I decided to leave a house party and walk home. This wouldn’t have been so… Continue reading COVERED
Power Of Prayer – Part II by Kimberley Payne Previously (Power of Prayer – Part I) , I wrote about my need to witness God’s power in the miracle of healing for my daughter’s illness. I was questioning why God had not instantaneously healed her, although I prayed and I know it is within His… Continue reading POWER OF PRAYER – PART II
Parenting With Prayer by Kimberley Payne Awhile back, I prayed to be a better parent and felt as if I was failing miserably. I had limited energy and could take only so much back talk and negative attitude. The kids were filled with a spirit of rebellion and anger. I put myself to bed before… Continue reading PARENTING WITH PRAYER
Power Of Prayer – Part I – by Kimberley Payne I realize the power of prayer and the importance of praying for others. Yet sometimes I have these pesky doubts sprouting up in the garden of my mind, like weeds. Unless I pull out the root of the problem, they will continue to grow and… Continue reading POWER OF PRAYER
Path to Prayer by Kimberley Payne Today is the first day that we look at how to pray. Although our goal, I believe, is to make prayer a living, breathing moment we need to start at the beginning. Follow a PATH to prayer. Our guest blogger today is Kimberley Payne. Kimberley takes a look at… Continue reading PATH TO PRAYER