God’s Timing – #WordofGodSpeak Linkup I really like the way the Lord shows me which passage to study. Today’s came from a list of 50 Scriptures to memorize by Sheila Gregoire. I was searching for scripture for the Vacation Bible School I am running this summer in our town. Last week I did the same thing.… Continue reading God’s Timing – #WordofGodSpeak Linkup
Tag: patience
Are We Dressed for the Season?
Are We Dressed for the Season by Susan Hitchman. #UTCOP – Just one of the wonderful quotes: Draw apart daily in prayer, fasting from our usual busy-ness, and exchange our impatience for His patience.
Does Prayer Really Work? by Patricia Day “God longs to give each of us the desires of our hearts, although of course, the dream will be different for each of us.”
GRASP – Five-Minute Fridays
To Grasp or not to Grasp. On Five-Minute Fridays Janis works through the word “grasp” and what it means to her.
The Best is Yet to Come by Heather McGillivray (reprinted with permission July 12, 2011) What endeared me most to my grandfather growing up was the way he always saw a little humour and a ray of sunshine in every situation. When my grandparents’ dream of buying a new home with the income from their taxi stand… Continue reading THE BEST IS YET TO COME