God’s Timing – #WordofGodSpeak Linkup I really like the way the Lord shows me which passage to study. Today’s came from a list of 50 Scriptures to memorize by Sheila Gregoire. I was searching for scripture for the Vacation Bible School I am running this summer in our town. Last week I did the same thing.… Continue reading God’s Timing – #WordofGodSpeak Linkup
Tag: God’s plan
Sunday Stillness – Is this your time to say “yes” to God?
Sunday Stillness – Is this your time to say “yes” to God? I am continuing on with my study of Titus – one verse at a time. Today’s thoughts are based on Titus 1:3 using the SIMPLE method of study. S – Say the passage aloud. and at His appointed season He brought His word to light… Continue reading Sunday Stillness – Is this your time to say “yes” to God?
Prayer and the Plan by Pat Harley (reprinted from The Amazing Collection on Facebook with permission) Prayer is an interesting thing. We pray with our own great plan in mind. I had prayed for years that our daughters would be used mightily by God. When they married, that prayer expanded to include the new son… Continue reading PRAYER AND THE PLAN
Stephanie Byrant co-founder of (in)courage has graciously allowed me to repost the following article called When God Answers Yes. When God Answers Yes by Stephanie Bryant, Co-Founder of (in)courage & Creative Mastermind at S Bryant Social Marketing; reprinted (March 26, 2011) What happens when God answers your prayers with a “Yes!”? What happens when the very thing you’ve… Continue reading WHEN GOD ANSWERS YES