How Can I Tie it Up? A Lesson in Shoe Tying Today on #ScribblePicnic Michael gave us this prompt: Tie it up. Since this is the first week back to school my thoughts went to all the tying up of shoes I did as a grade one teacher. And how thrilled I was when those… Continue reading How Can I tie it up? A Lesson in Shoe Tying
Tag: Michael
Tadeo Turtle enjoys a delicious piece of watermelon
Scribble Picnic: Watermelon This week for #ScribblePicnic the prompt is watermelon. That is a savoury treat for this time of year. Since I have seen so many pictures of turtles snacking on watermelons I couldn’t resist putting my little Tadeo in this week’s picture. Here he is enjoying his juicy watermelon treat. Tadeo Turtle was… Continue reading Tadeo Turtle enjoys a delicious piece of watermelon
Boats: Scribble Picnic
Today is #Scribblepicnic day. The prompt is boats. My picture is painted with watercolour pencils. No micron pens today. I don’t come from a boating family. I remember the one and only time being in a boat before I turned 16. We had rented a cottage on an island and with it came a boat.… Continue reading Boats: Scribble Picnic
Umbrella: Scribble Picnic
Umbrella: Scribble Picnic Here it is Wednesday and Scribble Picnic day. Our word for this week is UMBRELLA. We have been in Arizona for 4 months and have had the wettest winter ever. That’s not saying we have had much rain but we have had more rain that we have ever had. A few times… Continue reading Umbrella: Scribble Picnic
Creative Tuesday – Flowers May Fade
Creative Tuesday – Flowers May Fade I really am not a fan of painting flowers. However, in the last while I have painted 2. But I thought I should do a fresh one for this challenge. The challenge this week is FLOWER. For this exercise I painted one taken from a bouquet that was given… Continue reading Creative Tuesday – Flowers May Fade
Creative Tuesdays – Bible Pillows for Rest
Creative Tuesdays – Bible Pillows for Rest 7 Scriptures to help you find rest The prompt this week for Creative Tuesdays is PILLOWS. This watercolour was done as a quick watercolour on only 90 pound paper. We had been learning the colour wheel in my art class – so I used what I had learned about mixing… Continue reading Creative Tuesdays – Bible Pillows for Rest