Are you ready for a blanket of snow? When Michael of #ScribblePicnic gave the prompt for blanket this week my thoughts went to cuddling a warm afghan on a cold winter’s night. Then I saw Pooh Bear snuggling up with his blankie. But finally I decided to paint a quick watercolour of a snow blanket.… Continue reading Are you ready for a blanket of snow?
Category: Scribble Picnic
What do you watch out for?
What do you watch out for? The prompt this week for Scribble Picnic, an art co-operative, is Watch out. How often as parents have we said those words? “Watch out.” “Don’t trip on that log.” ‘Don’t run into that table.” As parents we are conscious of what can happen if a child makes a careless… Continue reading What do you watch out for?
Black and White – What are your truths?
Black and White – What are Your Truths? Today’s prompt is black and white. I have been pondering about this theme. What are my black and whites? My truths. I am joining #ScribblePicnic. I don’t believe everything is black and white. I don’t think others should be telling people what to think and what to… Continue reading Black and White – What are your truths?
How Can I tie it up? A Lesson in Shoe Tying
How Can I Tie it Up? A Lesson in Shoe Tying Today on #ScribblePicnic Michael gave us this prompt: Tie it up. Since this is the first week back to school my thoughts went to all the tying up of shoes I did as a grade one teacher. And how thrilled I was when those… Continue reading How Can I tie it up? A Lesson in Shoe Tying
Don’t peel that birch bark!
Don’t peel the birch bark! Scribble Picnic: Curly The prompt this week is curly. When we first think of curly we think of curly locks – Shirley Temple. But my mind went to our week at the cottage when the kids brought some pieces of birch bark over to the fire. Joining #ScribblePicnic with Michael.… Continue reading Don’t peel that birch bark!
Who’s there? Behind the wire.
Scribble Picnic Prompt – Cross in a Square This week on #ScribblePicnic we were given a mystery prompt. Here are the instructions: For your “Fill in the Blank” challenge next week, the shape to use is shown above in the windows. Can you see it? Please be sure to employ at least one square with an “X”… Continue reading Who’s there? Behind the wire.
How Does Your Garden Grow?
My Flowerbed: Scribble Picnic This week on Scribble Picnic the prompt is “flowerbed”. We are away on holidays so I did a quick sketch and watercolour pencils painting of a few of the flowers in our flowerbed before I left. This year our plants have suffered from so much rain. But still my garden grows.… Continue reading How Does Your Garden Grow?
Help! Find out why technology has way too many buttons for me.
My Look at Button Technology has made me feel “buttoned” Today on Scribble Picnic we were given the prompt “buttoned”. Yes really that was the prompt. My first thought was the buttons on clothing. Then as I thought more about it I was led to think about all the buttons we press nowadays. It reminds… Continue reading Help! Find out why technology has way too many buttons for me.
What’s Behind My Curtain?
Curtain: Scribble Picnic Art Cooperative Today the prompt is “curtain”. It’s funny as I had a vision the other day of a curtain partway open. Inside were my activities and they were looking at me – asking me “what’s going on?” I think the dream or vision was showing me that I have all of… Continue reading What’s Behind My Curtain?
What about Ladybugs?
Ladybug – #ScribblePicnic – An Art Co-operative This week’s prompt for #Scribblepicnic is ladybugs or ladybirds. I knew I had painted ladybugs before. When checking back through my posts, Michael had given a prompt for “critters” when we did Creative Tuesdays. Here is that picture and a link to that post. You can see the… Continue reading What about Ladybugs?