Why we need to be transported back to the first century to find the real story of Easter I’m joining Five Minute Friday today with the word prompt “why?” “Why?” I think this is the most asked question in our lives. From the everyday: Why can’t you remember? To the deep: Why: Isn’t there peace?… Continue reading Why Did Jesus’ Life Go From Adulation to Execution?
Tag: Jesus
How Can I Balance my Life in This Day and Age?
33 Dots: Balance I am still challenging myself to draw 33 random dots on paper; then connect the dots without intersecting any lines; then paint. Today it turned out to be the theme of balance. This challenge has me inspired. I never know what I will see. This time was very different. I couldn’t see… Continue reading How Can I Balance my Life in This Day and Age?
Why We Have the Highest Privilege to be in God’s Kingdom
It’s A Great Privilege to Be In God’s Kingdom It’s time for Five Minute Friday. Hubby’s out for a few minutes. Facebook turned off. Ready set go. The word this week is “privilege”. I looked up privilege. Dictionary definition: a right or liberty granted as a favour or benefit especially to some and not others… Continue reading Why We Have the Highest Privilege to be in God’s Kingdom
It’s Amazing How Different Things are When You Look Closely
This was going to be a different Friday as I had decided not to write. Ha ha. Me? not write? So I am taking the required 5 minutes to write on the word “different” for Five Minute Friday. If you are a writer and just want to write for fun and link with others to… Continue reading It’s Amazing How Different Things are When You Look Closely
What Do You Do When You are the Only One in the Room?
What Do You Do When You are the Only One in the Room? Have you ever been the only one in the room to not know anyone? That’s not a normal position. But the other day I walked into a room filled with women that I didn’t know. I asked my way to my table… Continue reading What Do You Do When You are the Only One in the Room?
Be Near: Who is like the LORD our God?
Be Near: Five Minute Friday I find it very exciting and interesting how God links some things together – actually He holds everything together (Colossians 1:7). This morning as I did my morning readings and studying I came away with thoughts to write about. But then Five MInute Friday’s prompt came through and the prompt… Continue reading Be Near: Who is like the LORD our God?
What Is It That I Really Need?
What is it that I Really Need? I’m a little late for Five Minute Fridays but can’t resist writing on this week’s prompt: NEED. Five minutes to type out my thoughts. Here goes. This morning I read two devotionals – Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, and Jesus Calling. Both said the same things… Continue reading What Is It That I Really Need?
Who Can I Expect to Meet My Needs?
Expect – Five Minute Friday For a very long time in my life I would expect everything to be my way. Twasn’t me, ’twas the Lord! I always told Him, ‘I trust to you. I don’t know where to go or what to do, but I expect You to lead me,’ an’ He always did.… Continue reading Who Can I Expect to Meet My Needs?
Enough – Five Minute Friday
Enough of Me Joining Kate at Five Minute Friday #FMFparty. The word is “enough”. Write for 5 minutes. Go. Sometimes it feels like I’ve had enough. What about you? Too many things going wrong arguments cooking and cleaning confusion sickness But then I stop. I realized it’s me. It’s not what I’m doing, or what others… Continue reading Enough – Five Minute Friday
Friend: Five Minute Friday
This week’s word is FRIEND. As I pondered on this word I thought first of family. My husband is my best friend and we have known each other for almost 49 years. We will celebrate our 46th anniversary this year. After him my kids and grandkids are my friends. I can talk to any of… Continue reading Friend: Five Minute Friday