What is it that I Really Need? I’m a little late for Five Minute Fridays but can’t resist writing on this week’s prompt: NEED. Five minutes to type out my thoughts. Here goes. This morning I read two devotionals – Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, and Jesus Calling. Both said the same things… Continue reading What Is It That I Really Need?
Tag: Bible
Active listening – How to Control the Mental Racket when I Pray
Active listening – How to Control the Mental Racket when I Pray A lesson on active listening The other day I read a post about being an active listener and how important it can be. I have a head that never stops thinking except when I am asleep. And I’m not sure about that either… Continue reading Active listening – How to Control the Mental Racket when I Pray
I Desperately Love to Read Books
Scribble Picnic: Books Oh that is such a good word for this week’s Scribble PIcnic. I love love books. For that reason, I have had to pare down all the books I had on my shelves or I would be overrun with them. I keep the ones I have written in and give the rest to… Continue reading I Desperately Love to Read Books
Scripture and a Picture – How we learn that the Word of God Stands forever
Scripture and a Picture – How we learn that the Word of God Stands forever Continuing on from my study of Isaiah 40:8 on Word of God Speak, today I would like to encourage you to continue to memorize this Scripture. The grass withers and the flowers fall (fade), but the Word of God stands… Continue reading Scripture and a Picture – How we learn that the Word of God Stands forever
Scripture with a Picture
Scripture with a Picture I haven’t really decided what to call this yet. I have Art and Scripture? Scripture with a PIcture? I really can’t decide – so if you get creative please tell me in the comments below. Every other Tuesday I like to join Creative Tuesdays so that title will be in my… Continue reading Scripture with a Picture
Creative Tuesdays – Under the Leaves
Creative Tuesdays – Under the Leaves I hope you have patience to work through with me as I was given this prompt of “Under the Leaves”. I will admit when I first read “Under the Leaves” as a prompt for Creative Tuesdays, I thought of the bunnies that our little dog, Snowball, chases every time… Continue reading Creative Tuesdays – Under the Leaves
Friday Features – Sunday Stillness Most Clicked
Friday Features – Sunday Stillness Most Clicked Congratulations to the following bloggers for having the most clicked for this week. Laurie Collett – Saved by Grace “Why do men translate God’s Word?” A very interesting article on the differences in versions of the Bible. Denise from RefineMe – “Home Brew” How do you appear… Continue reading Friday Features – Sunday Stillness Most Clicked
A Round up of Prayer Posts
While I am on a one month blogging holiday I thought I would leave you with a round-up of most read posts from Under the Cover of Prayer in the past year.
Watchful Wednesdays – How Can I Learn Scripture?
Watchful Wednesdays – How Can I Learn Scripture? I found this blog today more than stimulating. Ann Voskamp really hits the truth in her post at InCourage. All quotes are from her post. What if Jesus’ Word was more than useful to us? What if it was beautiful to us? What if God’s Word was more than a manual in our lives —… Continue reading Watchful Wednesdays – How Can I Learn Scripture?
How Can We Stop Coasting?
How Can We Stop Coasting? by Brenda Wood. Why is it we can’t drop ten pounds as fast as we used to? As we get older we burn calories less efficiently and our physical energy output decreases.