Labour and Deliverance It is Mother’s Day – and I am writing this because it is important for me to rethink what our minister said today. There were so many things that Harry spoke about today I am having trouble putting them together in my mind. So I will tell you the high points of… Continue reading LABOUR AND DELIVERANCE – Sunday’s sermon


Cherry Warrick writes as Pursuing Heart and is our guest blogger today. We have reprinted this post from February with her permission. Ask by Cherry Warrick When in need of wisdom, ask. It’s as simple as that. But how often we miss the obvious. “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God,  and He will… Continue reading ASK

IDENTITY – Five Minute Fridays

Identity This week’s word is Identity. What is my identity? I want it to show who I am and what I believe. Do I? I am not sure. Sometimes I feel as if I would like to do more – have more time to finish things that seem important to me. And sometimes I just… Continue reading IDENTITY – Five Minute Fridays


Prayer of the Soul by Judith Lawrence “Prayer is the activity of the soul. The nature of each soul is different. The eternal is related to each of us in a unique way.…The words we use to describe the holy are usually too nice and sweet. Sometimes, the Divine is awkward and contrary.…The prayer of… Continue reading PRAYER OF THE SOUL


Into His Presence with Love by Mary Haskett Thoughts of my church’s past Easter services keep popping into my mind, hymns and songs of praise and worship. On Good Friday our pastor reminded us that it truly was a good Friday. He pointed out God’s goodness in sending His son to die for us, and… Continue reading INTO HIS PRESENCE WITH LOVE

BODILY FUNCTIONS – Sunday’s Sermon

Bodily Functions – my reflections on Sunday’s Sermon It’s a good thing that Harry, our minister, has learned to trust in God and give Him the lead. Today in church we had no electrical power. He knew ahead of time and had a generator working. But even with that the generator, power was lost twice,;… Continue reading BODILY FUNCTIONS – Sunday’s Sermon

REAL – Five Minute Fridays

Real The reality of writing this on Saturday morning is – I got busy. That’s the truth. So this morning I wrote on my little IPOD which is not an easy task. Here is what I wrote. As I learned what Christ meant to me, my old self started to slip away. I found new… Continue reading REAL – Five Minute Fridays


Lean on Him by Jan Cox “I can do all this through him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13 NIV). I read this passage and wondered why I don’t do it all in His strength. What is holding me back? I took a closer look at what happens when I do something in my strength… Continue reading LEAN ON HIM


Rest by Rose Harmer  “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” … Continue reading REST
