What Do You Do When You are the Only One in the Room? Have you ever been the only one in the room to not know anyone? That’s not a normal position. But the other day I walked into a room filled with women that I didn’t know. I asked my way to my table… Continue reading What Do You Do When You are the Only One in the Room?
Tag: art
Be Near: Who is like the LORD our God?
Be Near: Five Minute Friday I find it very exciting and interesting how God links some things together – actually He holds everything together (Colossians 1:7). This morning as I did my morning readings and studying I came away with thoughts to write about. But then Five MInute Friday’s prompt came through and the prompt… Continue reading Be Near: Who is like the LORD our God?
What do you watch out for?
What do you watch out for? The prompt this week for Scribble Picnic, an art co-operative, is Watch out. How often as parents have we said those words? “Watch out.” “Don’t trip on that log.” ‘Don’t run into that table.” As parents we are conscious of what can happen if a child makes a careless… Continue reading What do you watch out for?
Black and White – What are your truths?
Black and White – What are Your Truths? Today’s prompt is black and white. I have been pondering about this theme. What are my black and whites? My truths. I am joining #ScribblePicnic. I don’t believe everything is black and white. I don’t think others should be telling people what to think and what to… Continue reading Black and White – What are your truths?
Don’t peel that birch bark!
Don’t peel the birch bark! Scribble Picnic: Curly The prompt this week is curly. When we first think of curly we think of curly locks – Shirley Temple. But my mind went to our week at the cottage when the kids brought some pieces of birch bark over to the fire. Joining #ScribblePicnic with Michael.… Continue reading Don’t peel that birch bark!
Help! Find out why technology has way too many buttons for me.
My Look at Button Technology has made me feel “buttoned” Today on Scribble Picnic we were given the prompt “buttoned”. Yes really that was the prompt. My first thought was the buttons on clothing. Then as I thought more about it I was led to think about all the buttons we press nowadays. It reminds… Continue reading Help! Find out why technology has way too many buttons for me.
What’s in a Dot? An Art Prompt
Scribble Picnic: Fill in the Blank Mr Michael at #ScribblePicnic gave a very usual prompt this time. It was called “Fill in the Blank”. Take a look below. We were to take this exact shape and size (we could turn it around and change the colour) and incorporate it into a picture. Since Canada 150… Continue reading What’s in a Dot? An Art Prompt
Tadeo Turtle enjoys a delicious piece of watermelon
Scribble Picnic: Watermelon This week for #ScribblePicnic the prompt is watermelon. That is a savoury treat for this time of year. Since I have seen so many pictures of turtles snacking on watermelons I couldn’t resist putting my little Tadeo in this week’s picture. Here he is enjoying his juicy watermelon treat. Tadeo Turtle was… Continue reading Tadeo Turtle enjoys a delicious piece of watermelon
Did the Fox Make a Wise Decision?
A Fox – Scribble Picnic Another week with not much time to paint. But I did do a sketch of this week’s prompt – a fox. We have seen a red fox a number of times in our backyard here in Haliburton, but never in time to snap a picture. In my sketch I thought… Continue reading Did the Fox Make a Wise Decision?
Why I love the delightful songs of a bird in spring?
Bird – Scribble Picnic It’s Scribble Picnic time again. This week prompt is BIRD. With spring finally arriving here in the Highlands it’s an appropriate time to thing of our feathered friends. I have painted birds before so at the end of this post I will give a gallery of some of my earlier paintings… Continue reading Why I love the delightful songs of a bird in spring?