This is quite a question. I am writing for Five Minute Friday today and the prompt is TRUTH. I think I will focus on the truth about food nutrition for today. UPDATE: Thursday, February 18, 2021 – We are still mostly eating this way. Heavy on vegetables, fruits, and lean meats. Hubby has kept off… Continue reading What is Truth? Five Minute Fridays
Results for "five minute fridays"
EMPTY – Five Minute Fridays
I knew I had written on this word before. Here is my post from 2012 with my new thoughts following it. This week’s word from Five Minute Friday is EMPTY. When I first thought of empty I thought negatively – no thing left. Then I started to think that when something is empty something else… Continue reading EMPTY – Five Minute Fridays
Define: Five Minute Fridays
Prompt for this week – DEFINE. 5 minutes to write. Go. On hearing the word “define” I thought about how I am so different than I was 15 years ago. Christ has defined me. He has made me new. He has given me purpose. He does define me. Before Christ, I enjoyed my life. But… Continue reading Define: Five Minute Fridays
Safe: Five Minute Fridays
Safe: Five Minute Fridays Our word from Five Minute Fridays is SAFE. We have 5 minutes to write what that word means to us. Here goes. 5,4,3,2,1, – go Once again it’s been an incredible week. Learning so much. My second children’s book, The Kingdom of Thrim, is now on Amazon with NO shipping. I… Continue reading Safe: Five Minute Fridays
Breathe: Five Minute Fridays
Breathe: Five Minute Fridays I can’t believe one week has gone by so quickly. Breathe. Janis. Breathe. That’s what I always tell others when they say they are stressed, angry, frustrated or just plain tired. Breathe. Why do I use that word to help them and me? Because that is what can bring God into… Continue reading Breathe: Five Minute Fridays
Control: Five Minute Fridays
Control: Five Minute Fridays It’s Friday night and I’m off to a conference tomorrow. I am taking 5 minutes to write my thoughts about control. This has been a big issue with me. It’s what I have been fighting with for years. My controlling nature – wanting it done and done the way I want… Continue reading Control: Five Minute Fridays
Refine: Five Minute Fridays
Refine: Five Minute Fridays The definition of refine: to free (something, such as metal, sugar, or oil) from impurities or unwanted material. I am joining Kate Motaung today for 5 Minute Fridays. Just 5 minutes to write my thoughts on the word refine. My heart and mind have been grappling with someone’s illness. It has been… Continue reading Refine: Five Minute Fridays
Middle – Five Minute Fridays
Middle I have joined Kate Motaung on Five Minute Fridays. The word for this week is MIDDLE. Since I had to stay on line with Bell Canada I thought this was a good time to write. But, the repeated music is driving me nuts. But here goes: Looking at the word – MIDDLE – my… Continue reading Middle – Five Minute Fridays
Connect – Five Minute Fridays
Connect – Five Minute Fridays Today’s word for Five Minute Fridays is CONNECT. I read today from Psalm 145:18: God’s there, listening for all who pray, for all who pray and mean it (The Message). It is very important that we connect with God. We need that personal connection. We need to both speak and… Continue reading Connect – Five Minute Fridays
Five MInute Fridays – KEEP
Five MInute Fridays – KEEP Once more, it is Friday – take 5 minutes and just write. Set the timer. Go. The word for this week is: KEEP Keep to me means cherish. I think of what I cherish the most – God, family, friends. Then I think of what I cherish that… Continue reading Five MInute Fridays – KEEP